21. Where you at?

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"Ronne, get out!" I pushed him out my room.

"Just giving you a taste of what it's like having a brother!" He yelled as he ran down the hallway.

Someone pushed the door open as I was closing it, "we need to talk."

I looked and saw my mom... my aunt and my mother. I walked to the bed rolling my eyes.

"About what?" I asked.

Ro sat on the edge of the bed and Regina leaned against my dresser.

Regina sighed, "I want to explain everything to you, it's the least I can do."

I nodded, "But I dont want to hear the excuses so."

"Ryan!" Ro shouted.

"What? You're my aunt not my mother what more is there to add??"

"First of all I will still pop your mouth!" She put her finger up at me.

"Now be quiet and listen, show some respect like I raised you

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Now be quiet and listen, show some respect like I raised you."

I looked over to Regina waiting for her to talk, "im listening."

"Ok....um, I had Ronne at 16 and then got pregnant with you when he was just 3 months." She looked down at her hands. "To be honest I wasnt even going to have you Ryan. I wanted an abortion, Ro talked me out of getting it."

"This story really isn't making me feel any better." I shook my head.

"Would you be quiet." Ro gave me that look that terrified me since I was 2.

She giggled bringing my attention back to her, I didn't find anything about this shit funny. "You're just like your father." She shook her head still looking down at her hands. "anyways, Ro asked me to have you for her, she didn't know your gender or anything about you at all she just wanted you."

I looked at Ro who was wiping her tears, "I had fertility issues, I got pregnant twice and lost both of them and never could get pregnant again..I was married and got served my papers once I adopted you. He told me he wanted his blood running around not just mine."

"So when we tell you this is not to get you to forgive us, we just knew it was time to tell you."

"So howcome you were holding me in that picture? the picture with us two, Ronne & Gaby."

"On the couch?" She asked.


"I gave you away at birth but I still babysat you." She laughed and looked at Ro.

"Mmm." I looked at the ground and saw a nickle on the floor. I probably left it there by mistake years ago, nobody comes in my old room anymore.

"Im sorry for not telling you, but Im not sorry for adopting you."

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