
" NO!"

" I am sure you don't mean that, this would fix everything."

" I said no and I mean no!"

" But why? I know that things have been a little rocky for us, but I am willing to try if you are?"

" I will only marry for love, not to be a woman who is married to produce her husband an heir, and then after that have lover's on the side."

" Well that is how things are usually done, besides you will be happy being my wife."

" How do you know that I would be happy? is it written in the stars that I will be happy?"

" Well I can't say that it is written in the stars, but you know my family and of course Lindsay has always pushed me to marry you so you can be her sister."

" Leave Lindsay out of this, I won't marry for less than love and that is my final answer."

With a swish of her skirts, Holly left William kneeling in the carpet. He had planned it so well, and thought that she would agree since it was the only way she could repair her reputation. Lindsay was around the corner laughing at him. He heard her giggles, and he blushed a deep red. He was just royally  refused. He thought he was stubborn, but Holly could hold her own. She was Duchess material after all, and he did love her. He wasn't sure if she loved him, he guessed he would have to win her over some how.

Lindsay came out from her corner and just giggled," If you want to win her over you have to prove to her you love her."

William stood up, " and exactly how am I to do that?"

Lindsay giggled" for one you don't ask a girl to marry you when she has been ruined."

William looked at his sister, " Why not? I mean I am trying to fix her reputation and this is what I get."

Lindsay rolled her eyes, then she tossed a book of poetry into his lap. " When you have completed this book, you can ask her again."

William looked at Lindsay" I don't have time to read this, are you out of your mind?"

Lindsay glared at him" do you want to marry Holly or what?"

" Well yes I do, I love her and want to be her husband."

" Trust me then, read that book and then ask her again she will say yes."

William nodded " I will read this book, but if she tells me no again I will throw you down the well.'

Lindsay laughed" first off you would have to catch me, and second of all we don't have a well."

She strolled off to find Holly, as she walked past her brother she smirked" by the way, you need to prove to her that you love her."

William smiled of course he needed to prove to her that he loved her. She thought that he was in love with Clarissa. He was going to ponder over what he could do to win over Holly, it wasn't going to be easy. But it just might be fun, he was already getting ideas to win her over. He got up and left, he was going to start that very moment. He smiled to himself, if she is playing hard to get, then he was going to play harder.

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