Chapter 01 : Fear

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Upon waking up I notice something bright flashing at me. Groaning I toss around in hopes of blocking off the sunlight, but fail when it suddenly gets brighter. Angrily I open my eyes and blink back the sleepiness along with to help me adjust to the brightness and I get ready to yell at who ever is trying to wake me up. Once I can see clearly I notice that I'm in a field that is out in the woods with no one around me expect for the woods and flowers that surround me. I look around the fields and notice that's it's nothing but sunflowers that are surrounding me along with the woods of course.

As I admire the sunflowers, I start to feel relax being out here as if I belonged here, until I hear a twig snap off into the distance

I look towards the sound of hope it just being a wild rabbit or deer walking by. I didnt expect to come face to face with a midnight black wolf with blue eyes staring at me as if they were waiting for me to be here.

I gasp when I notice that this wolf is just so beautiful, its fur seemed as if it was shining when the sunlight was hitting upon him. The wolf's eyes seem to pop out more and seems to demand respect as if they are a powerful leader of a pack of some sort.

The midnight black wolf growls suddenly when I took a step towards it. "Sh..t" I whisper only to get another growl out of the wolf as if to disapprove of me cussing.

I laugh mentally "as if this wolf can understand me" I thought.

The wolf still stares at me as I take another look around when the bright scenery suddenly turned gloomy and foggy. I notice that the midnight wolf was fading away and whining as if they were worried about me.

"RUN" a voice whispers harshly. I ignore the voice and take a step forward only to slip on something and fell onto the ground. Groaning I try and grab a baring only to slip once again, I take a look at the slimy liquid upon my hands and see dark liquids of blood on not just on my hands but the field that held the sunflowers is now covered in blood. I scream and scramble to get up again, after my failed attempts I finally get up and see a wolf running at me with red blood shot eyes I scream once again and start to run only to get jump upon and then blackness crowd my vision

I gasp for breath and notice that I'm on the ground once again. I feel around my body in hope of every part of limps are intake in which they are. I take a breath of relief and take in my surrounds once again. Everything is still gloomy as if it's getting to rain but the woods here seems to be very familiar. I hear some whispers when suddenly I hear chanting of "RUN RUN GIRL RUNN!"

As the chanting continues on I notice that this woods was the same exact woods from that night. My heart rate picks up along with the chanting turning into many voices screaming at me to "RUN"

I agree with the voice and start to full on run away from the voices in Hope's of not running into Him. I dodge around the trees and bushes when suddenly I hear Him. "HOW DARE YOU TRY AND LEAVE! EVALYN DAWN MENDORA! I SWEAR ONCE I GET MY HANDS ON YOU, YOU ARE DEAD!"the man screams in anger. I didnt notice where I was running from focusing on make sure he was near me when I misstepped. I tumbled downward and ended up twisting my foot and hearing a crack upon my hand from using it to stop me from falling more.

"HERE YOU ARE!" the man screams. I look up from the hill and see my father look at me with such hatred I flinch back. "God.. please no.. not again" I cry as I fight off the tears and try to take a stand to run off again.

I crawl towards the tree and toss dirt at him in hopes of him disappearing like the bloodshot wolf. "Please.." I plead as I grab upon the tree and hear my father start to climb down the hill.

"You're not gonna run off again are you little girl." the man growls toward me. I get up on my feet again and start to hop away that soon turns into a full run when my father screams at me to stop.

I continue to run off into the woods in hopes of losing my father or for him to give. I still hear him screaming at me to come back. I notice a cliff coming into view along with my father somehow catching up too me is now 10 feet away from me.

Tears form and start to fall down my face as I continue on running towars the cliff. "Even if I die, it's better than getting abused by him" I thought tearfully. I approach the cliff hastily and ended up tripping over something and almost falling off the cliff. I get a grip onto the cliff and dig my hands and elbows upon the dirt in hope's of pulling myself up. I fall multiple times and see my father is now in front me, smirking.

"Look at you, still trying to put up a fight to live. Ha. You wont be alive for long little girl. You are a murder and shouldn't be alive anyway. I'm doing the world a favor." He says murderously towards me. He grabs me by the neck and pulls me upward and more off the cliff

He grips my neck tightly, I gasp and try and grab ahold of him but fail misery. "Fu..k.. y..." I groan breathlessly towards him.

My vision starts to turn black when I finally take all of my strength and spat onto his face while smirking at him.

"You. you thought you could win and runaway. You should have stayed at home and did what I told you. But no.. you are being stubborn and didnt listen. Noone will love you nor miss you. You never where my daughter especially after you killed her you brat!" He screams in my face and I take another breath and say "meet you in h...l, father." He grips my neck even tighter and I gasp again for a breath but no air entered my lungs.

With that, my father finally tosses me off the cliff. I blink once last time with tears falling off me into the wind along with me smiling one last time. I take in a breath on last time and let the blackness invade my vision for the last time.

Word count : 1171

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