Chapter Nine

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All rights go to the amazing mind that is Cassandra Clare for all the characters in this story.

1 year later

Jace's POV

I saw Alec check his watch as I walked into the room. He and Iz looked up at me as I came and sat down next to them. They gave me a look. "What?" I asked.

"It's past curfew." Alec said.

"Who are you, my mother?"

"And we know your scouting mission finished hours ago." He carried on. I rolled my eyes.

"You went back didn't you?" Iz asked. I looked up at her as Alec frowned.

"Went back where?" He asked.

"He went to exodus again." Iz stated. I sighed.

"So what if I did?"

"Wait, what's exodus?" Alec asked, still confused.

"His new obsession." Alec looked up, knowingly.

"Another place he thinks Clary might be?"

"Yep." Izzy said.

"I'm right here, you know. You don't have to like I'm not."

"How did I not know about this?" Alec asked almost offended.

"We all know you've been busy with your little warlock."

"He's anything but little." He said with a smirk. Izzy laughed.

"Jesus, I forgot how confident you've gotten."

"Anyway, no changing the subject." They both looked at me. "Well?" Alec asked. I sighed.

"Yeah, I went back. And once again, they said I couldn't get in without the paying the fee."

"What was the fee?" Iz asked.

"Nothing I had on me. Some weird shit though. But I mean, it's not as surprising when you see the 10 types of crazy that walk through the doors. Either way, I'm gonna check it out."

"Look Jace, we don't even know that she's gonna be there." Iz said with a sigh.

"Yeah but she might be." Alec looked up.

"Why do you think she's at this exodus place?"

"Remember that guy we met last week, the one passing through selling all that stuff?" Iz asked Alec.

"Yeah, the trader. What about him?"

"Before he left, he told Jace about this place called exodus. Don't know exactly what it is but he said that it had a big market place that he goes to for selling his stuff. Apparently hundreds of people pass through that place weekly. Now, Jace has it in his head that Clary is going to be there."

"The guy told me that he saw a red head with tattoos." Iz and Alec shared a look.

"Okay, that's thin."

"Thin?" Isabelle said. "It's fucking anorexic. That could be anyone Jace."

"Why are you trying to stop me from doing this? Why are you trying to hold me back?"

"I just don't want you to get your hopes up. You need to get ready to face the fact that you might not find what you're looking for." I scoffed.

"Quoting her words back to me? Did you think that would just make me quit?"

"It was good advice."

"Izzy is right. You might just have to come to terms with things. We've all been thinking it, Jace. She might be-"

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