Stained with Feelings

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Tears dripping down my chin,
a song comes on.
They fall like raindrops to the ground.
It puddles to the floor,
and I watch it as it grows.
Deeper, and deeper.
I try to stop,
but I can't control it.
My hands are numb,
nails cutting into my palms.
Drawing crescents on my skin,
coloring crimson.
I laugh as I watch,
feeling a release.
The pain emptying from my body,
I bet being stabbed would've been better.
My throat closes as I look to the sky,
rain pours down.
Soaking my hair,
my shoes.
Staining me with feelings.
I tried to fix myself,
but I'm not made for this.
I'm not strong enough,
my legs tremble,
growing weak.
I fall to the ground,
and watch the rain puddle.
My eyes are empty,
I try to fake a smile.
It looks like a grimace.
Why wasn't I enough for you?
I slam my fist to the ground,
heaving gasps of breath.
Choking on sobs,
face blotched with red.
My head hangs,
kissing the cement.
I whisper,
pleading for it to be over.
It never comes.
I stay in this eternity of pain.

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