𝟎𝟕.⠀ common ground

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( ミ☆ ) SEVENcommon ground

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( ミ☆ ) SEVEN
common ground

( ミ☆ ) SEVENcommon ground

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⠀⠀⠀⠀An hour later, when the train eases into a station for refuelling, Bellamy finally does get that walk he talked about taking. He, Demetria and Brier split off for break, though neither one of them ever mentions whether they plan on making a return to the train car with the flatscreen. It's gotten dark anyway, and the sun has long since set over the horizon. A late night mist now clouds the many windows, curling around the metal body of the train like an empty shell from a steaming silver bullet.

⠀⠀⠀⠀As far as plans for the Games go, Bellamy and Demetria still don't have one. Other than the basics of survival like how to light a fire, find shelter, and locate water in even the roughest of conditions, Brier had been cautious about what advice he dished out to them. For one — perhaps in fear of overwhelming them this soon after the recaps — Brier never once spoke about the other tributes or how best to approach (or not approach) them in the Capitol or in the arena no matter how hard Bellamy and Demetria tried to prod (more like beg) the man for details. Brier, ever the gentlemen, was adamant about waiting until Phawks was around to have that discussion, but to be honest, what with her constant absence so far, Bellamy often forgets she's supposed to be their mentor, too.

⠀⠀⠀⠀During the hour long lecture, Bellamy hadn't said anything remarkably snarky since he swore to cooperate, and Demetria, well, she hadn't tried to strangle him, and so he must have been doing something right by her. In fact, something about strategising together — learning together — seemed to fuse Bellamy and Demetria into one common mindset; little connective wires bridging the gap between their brainwaves. They were almost talking like friends. Bickering still, yes, but there was no real hostility to it. Sometimes Brier would go through minute long periods of silences, just allowing his two tributes to discuss amongst themselves — to bond as allies over a common goal, maybe — but more often than not, he'd bounce back in on their ideas with something entirely new and brilliant they hadn't thought of.

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