Chapter 5: The Tyger Pax

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*The song is where Nightblade came for Bumblebee and regretting much. It's a good fit for this. ^^;

In the medical center, Nightblade is laying on the berth since she got picked up from the sea of rust by the shuttle. Her master is devastated to see her had bite marks from the survey mission with her scout team. She is only one of the luckiest femme but only she got rescued by the minicon when she tried to escape from the scraplet. Sending her to the survey mission was the reckless decision he made mistake and he forbid her from going the mission on her own will with other recruited soldiers. Which it was unfair for Nightblade, but she was not sure why her master shows concern about her safety when she sees herself ready.

Her body has been reformatted, but her color scheme still remains the same. What she notices that she is triple changer for ground vehicle mode and seeker jet mode. She doesn't remember being the triple changer during the training. But it seems like her master isn't aware of her become a triple changer. But she can ask one of the high-rank seekers for the proper training. The feline minicon has come to see his partner and seeing she gotten the reformat the modification of her new armor parts.

"Well, I guess I have grown a bit for the change something new," Nightblade commented as Ravage grunted in agreement.

When Nightblade put on the visor equipped to her helm and then she turned to the computer nearby. She begins to start checking the science projects since she had access into a few reports and even she reads the details. Her last reports of the beta cloned vehicon still need the little more worked after it lasted. Next thing she notices her master is creating something deadly that can help wipe out the Autobot soldiers. But something about this science project hasn't mentioned about her involvement... her suspicion has been corrected, but she doesn't want to jump in the conclusion without further explanation. She does know that her Lord Megatron was lying at first when she met him, but how... did he know her designation name. Questioning herself is hard to find the truth about herself, but her master made a vow to her so she may as well wait till the war ends.

Suddenly, she hears the comms beeping in her channel so she put her two tips of her finger on her side of the helm. Seeing it is from her master who has reached her.

"Nightblade, it is time to come to the mission in the field. We will be raiding to Tygar Pax." She listened to his plan of the objective.

"By your word, my lord, I will come immediately," Nightblade responded as she ends her comm.

So now she and Ravage nods each other when they head off to the hanger so they can meet up with her master and the army. Her Minicon companion starts to form and merged into the midsection of her body. She is surprised to this first time the minicon merge into her chassis.

When the Decepticon soldiers are preparing to enter the shuttle ship to begin their raiding the Tygar Pax. The swordwielder has arrived in time when she going with her master by his side in front as the bodyguard. Her visor is now tinted dark blue whilst she's getting little nervous and tried to relax her mind. The objective of the mission is to seek the intel about the AllSpark and the Autobot. But it is even close that she is going be guarding her master during the battle, she won't want to face someone like Bumblebee who helped her in the past.

A few hours later after landing, in Tygar Pax is been raided and they are headed towards the route to Well of AllSparks. The soldiers are destroying the area to clear the path for the leader. As for Nightblade, she is keeping her optics opened for her surroundings and noticing the Seekers are at the sky. Then suddenly she sees the one Autobot Aerialbot in the sky when it made contact the seekers. 'Could this be the Autobot are still there?' She thought.

The cannons started as it comes from the other side in front when they noticed it's a Wreckers. She takes out her sword and deflects their plasmablasts in each. One blast she deflected back towards one of them.

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