Bad news

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Mikasa POV.

The daylight broke into my eyes. I slept on floor and Eren slept on the sofa. I got up and rolled my bed up like a camping sack.

I went to my room and put the blanket and pillow I had with me in the cupboard. Then I went straight into the bathroom. I took a shower and changed into my uniform. I went back into Amy's room and found Eren still fast asleep and Amy snuggled up into her blanket like a cocoon.

She looked adorable!.. She looked  like a bigger version of a hot dog.... I went and gave a kiss on her forehead.

End of POV

Amy's POV.

I felt a sudden warmth touch my forehead and I immediately opened my eyes. Mikasa was right in front of me with her huge eyes staring at me.. I suddenly got up startled. "What the fuck!" I yelled.

" haha you looked SOO adorable wrapped up in the blanket like that... I couldn't help but kiss your forehead." Mikasa said giggling..

" tch.. Stupid retard... Has no life." I mumbled and I threw the blanket on the far side of the bed.

I tried getting up but it was painful. Mikasa held my arm and got me up again..

" be careful!" She said. I snatched my arm from her clutches and went straight into the bathroom. I took a shower and came out dressed into my uniform. I made my way out of the bathroom and saw Eren and mikasa waiting for me.

" why the fuck are you idiots still here? Go away leave me alone.. I don't need you retards to babysit me" I shouted throwing the towel on the floor.

".... Be quite. Your still haven't healed yet that's why Levi put us in charge of you.  " Mikasa said.

I had a cold stare at the duo. And instead of them leaving they gave me a bright smile.

I walked out of the door barging through them..immediately they started following.

We were quite until we got to the training ground. Everyone else was waiting for us lot.

Mikasa and Eren went to Sasha and Connie. Armin also followed. Annie, reiner were in a corner acting all badass. For some reason bertholdt was no where to be seen... 

I went away from everyone else and stood next to the fence with my arms crossed and staring on ground. I could hear whispers around and I guessed they would have been talking about me. I took no attention and continued staring at the ground.

Few moments later Levi and Erwin arrived followed by petra and Hanji Zoe..

"Okay Members of the survey corps! Today I announce that next week there will be an another expedition taking place outside the walls into the titans territory.. I hate to give you all this bad news. But the titan shifter we had caught escaped! In order to capture him back we must take an another expedition outside the walls!!"  Erwin shouted.

Everyone started to shout and cause havoc.

It took quite some time to adjust what they just heard.

"I'm sorry i do not have answers to your questions right now. Thank you.... You all may continue your training." Erwin said with his head in shame of embarrassment.

" WAIT!" someone shouted. It was mikasa...


Erwin didn't utter a word and hung his neck down in shame.

I couldn't tolerate talking to her seniors like that...

" shut up mikasa... " I shouted giving her a cold stare of mine.

" b-u" mikasa was about to say something but I interrupted.

" Shut up.." I repeated but this time with my hands switching into a fist.

Mikasa stood back and stayed silent. Everyone started to feel awkward.... I just left from the scene and I walked towards my horse kai. I jumped on and rode towards the training forest where the titan dummies were.

Everyone else followed soon or later. I rode my horse as fast as  I could.. Away from everyone.. Away from Eren... Away from mikasa.

I got there before everyone  In around 3mins mikasa and Eren came and the rest followed.

" BEGIN THE TRAINING" Erwin shouted and shot a black  towards the sky.

As soon as I heard the loud bang I was in search of the dummies.....

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Oct 18, 2014 ⏰

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