Hatred and Sorrow

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I was only 5 years old when this happened. My family had left me alone on the bench. I cried and cried But no one helped me up. I survived by myself. I found fruits in a trailer which lasted for about a week. I found food from some place or another and i managed to survive from starvation. I didn’t have a place to stay.. i walked for hours and hours until i found a barn. It was abandoned and cold. I made it my home. As i grew up in the barn i decided to  become a solider. A saviour of Humanity.

I went into the training corps and met three best friends ; Armin Arlert ( A very intelligent soldier. Makes good and useful quick decisions. Works best when he is pressurized.)

Eren Jeager ( A boy who is very powerful. He is a titan shifter. Once he was used to pick up a huge boulder and block the breached wall made 5 years ago.)

Mikasa Ackerman ( A girl often stayed silent like me. Very powerful classed as the top rank no1  very over protective to Eren as she thinks of him as family. Her parents died and were killed by human-traffickers and was saved by Eren that is why she only protects him and dares not to look at any other guy. She had a younger sister but no one knows about her. )

And then There is me. “Amy Blizzard” ( 2nd top class rank. Killed 246 titans including 23 abnormals. People often said that me and mikasa had the same personality. Its true we did. Our nature to be silent and cautious at all times .. even our outside look matched aswell. I had long black hair but i put it in a bun. I had pure black eyes which sometimes fogged as I looked at things i liked. My height  was the same as annie’s Mikasa was taller and bolder. I think this was the only thing which differentiated.

I was Often Silent.  Intelligent and strong. No one knows about my real identity. No one knows who I am and what i have suffered. If anyone asked me about my parents or siblings i would often give them a “death stare” which sometimes made them go away without an answer. I sometimes compete with Mikasa. I know that she is stronger than me But i try to push harder. I don’t Talk to her even though i hang out with her and eren and Armin.

Eren and Armin would often talk to each other while me and mikasa are behind silent. I’d always be behind armin and mikasa would be behind eren.

The last time me and mikasa spoke was when it was our graduation ceremony. I had chosen the “survey corps” i didn’t care about my life and i knew it was useless.. so why not spend it on something useful like protecting humanity. I didn’t care of the jaws of death. I never get scared of the word “death” even though some people start to shiver when they hear it.. i guess they have people they care about.. there own.. their blood relatives.

Mikasa spoke to me and She said hi to me. I stayed silent and avoided eye contact. I said good day back and went.

I think Mikasa thought i was sad for some reason. To be honest thats my normal behaviour. I don’t wish to talk to anyone anywhere.. all i care about is contributing towards saving humanity and perhaps becoming one of the saviours of humanity. I don’t care about my life and i never will . i never loved anyone. Not even my own family. I wont be able to love anyone else either. They left me all alone at the age of 5. My hatred towards them increased day by day . minute by minute , second by second. 

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