Chapter : 13

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"Do you want that muscular guy to kill me?!" George asked Sterla while they were in the corner of the room so that no one can hear them.

"Why...what happened?...wait..... which muscular guy?" Asked Sterla while lifting one of her eyebrow.

"Sam" George replied.

"Sam?" She asked and George told him the whole thing that happened in the kitchen which made Sterla redden.

"Minion?.... seriously?" said Geroge when he saw Sterla blushing.

"Look I know I left you for three months but it doesn't mean you're gonna hide things from me" he added.

"And by the way....what's going on?"he said while punching Sterla's shoulder lightly which made her more redden and she told him the whole story.

"Seems like we found your Mr. True lover" George said with a smirk on his face.

"I'm starving.....let's go...." Sterla tried to ignore the topic while blushing so she held his arm and dragged him towards lounge where every one was having pizza.


"Miss Hazel? Would you mind to come here and share your knowledge with us on the board" said Miss Melissa, their maths teacher, when she saw Hazel gossiping with Stephen during class.

Hazel stood up, wide eyed and hesitatingly walked towards the board.

"Solve the equation" ordered Miss Melissa and Hazel's heart started racing badly as she held the marker and with shaking hands she tried to solve the equation which she didn't know.

"Mam?...can I solve this?" said George while raising up his hand in the air.

"Wow...unexpected...yeah of course why not" said Miss Melissa while taunting George.

"You may go now and sit...and try not to have gossips during class" said Miss Melissa and Hazel sighed in relief as she went back to her seat.

George, confidently took the marker and started writing on the board but what he wrote dropped the jaws of whole class and Miss Melissa's down. He wrote the same equation ten times which was already written on board and kept the marker on the table, stood beside the board while folding his arms across his chest.

"Is this a joke?" asked Miss Melissa after one minute of silence while anger was crept all over her face.

"I guess" said George, hunching his shoulders.

"Get out" said Miss Melissa, pointing her finger towards the door and George, without wasting a second, went out.

After a while Hazel also walked out of the class and went to cafeteria. She dragged a seat and sat next to George.

"Thanks dude" she said to George and he shifted his gaze from his mobile's screen to her.

"Nope....I just wanted to get out of that pathetic class" said George and looked back at his phone again.

"Yo" said Hazel while punching his shoulder lightly which made him have goose bumps so he tried to hide his smile, which worked because Hazel really didn't bothered looking at him.

"Yo guys" said Stephen while walking inside the cafeteria with all others.

Sterla sat beside George "what's up?" She said while hiting his arm with her elbow and smirking which made him blush.

"Heyiii" said Stephen while squeezing Hazel in his arms and she pushed him.

"'re so irritating sometimes!" said Hazel so Stephen held her face and kissed her cheek to annoy her.

"Aahhh...I hate this!!" said Hazel, almost shouting while George glared at Stephen with wide eyes in anger.

Stephen winked at George to tease him and George narrowed his eyes at him.

Ashley looked disturbed because a random skinny guy was staring at her from the hallway so she stood up and started walking towards him in anger. Stephen got worried so he followed her while all others were busy in chattering.

"Hey beautiful" the guy said with a smirk on his face when Ashley stood in front of him.

Ashley smiled and then *Boom* She punched one of his eye with all the strength.

"Aaahhh" the guy screamed while taking few steps back and started breathing fastly in anger. Then he started walking towards Ashley to hurt her but Stephen came in between and pushed the guy back with his hands on guy's chest.

"Dude.... she's a girl" said Stephen.

Stephen took Ashley's hand and started walking out of the hallway.

"Bitch" the guys whispered.

"Asshole" Ashley replied.

Ashley pulled her hand out of Stephen's grip and pushed him away.

"I don't need anyone's help" she said and walked towards the ground.

"Ash.... listen" said Stephen.

"Don't come near me" said Ashley as she walked out and sat on a bench.

After five minutes, Stephen sat beside Ashley when he thought she would be bit calmed but Ashley turned her face to the other side as if she didn't want to see Stephen's face.

"Ash...what's wrong?" Stephen asked.

"You must've punched his other eye" said Ashley still looking away.

"That's it?" He said.

"What do you mean?" Asked Ashley turning towards Stephen.

"Let's go then" he said while holding her hand.

"Where?" She asked but he didn't reply and just walked.

"Look someone's here to apologise" the guy said when Stephen stood in front of him.

"I'm not here to apologise" said Stephen with a smirk on his face.

"Then?" The guy said with a smirk.

Stephen clenched his fist and punched the other eye of that guy which made him fall on the ground.

"What the fuck?" The guy cried loudly and Stephen showed him his middle finger while Ashley's face brightened up with happiness. Stephen held her hand again and started walking back towards the cafeteria.

Ashley took her hand out of his grip and hugged him tightly. Stephen's heart started racing fastly as he hugged her back.


Hope you guys will love this chapter.
The Gif above is of Ashley Barbare.

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