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Matthew was his name. no one really remembered it. Why would they, they probably only spoke to him once a week? Even the teachers could never remember it. Such a simple name, yet so forgettable when you were just a kid in the back.

he didn't care. he just wanted to go home. be away from everyone. he hated school. not because of the work, because there was too much people. too much publicity.

so when the school bell rang, he ignored the squeals of a few random chicks and went home.

home wasn't a far walk. Matt enjoyed it, actually, wished it was longer. gave him time to think. or sometimes pretend that he was nothing but a star in a galaxy.

When he did reach home, he tossed his shoes to the side, grabbed an apple and headed to his room. Matt played some call of duty, drew a picture. mostly anime though, he couldn't handle anything too realistic. Sometimes Matthew read, sometimes he just sat and stared. It carried on like that, through months and months of middle school.

the nights he cried himself to sleep, he'd just repeat three words. Not 'Itll get better', Not 'ill be okay', just these three words.

'Just get by'. Just get by, is what he did, since he was seven. Every night he told himself that.

On other nights, when it got bad, he wouldn't say anything. He would lie in his closet, the blade staring up at him, almost laughing at his pathetic way of living. that was his life and he just had to face it.

Just get by. Just get by. Just get by. Is exactly what he did, because boy..when he finally found his freedom and moved in with his friend a city over, he was..he was different. Changed. his whole world had shed a new light and he had nothing else weighing on his shoulders.

It was so different, that even Matthew's only friend wished he didnt run away.

Here in this city, everybody new the one kid pulling into high school with a jet black Mustang. Everybody new the one guy with a different girl tangled around his waist each week. Everybody knew that this kid went by the name of Matthew, Last name Herlock, no middle.

Now sure, no one had a damn question about him since they all new him as if he had been there since kindergarden. Popularity does that to you. But Matt sure had a whole lot of questions about himself. One of them was, why a girl even bothered hooking up with him when they knew he was gay.
Capital letters terrify me.
~ Me ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2019 ⏰

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