Short Flick 1.

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"I got some of everything , okurtt." Ashanti said excitedly as she rambled through the bags filled with brand new baby stuff ; clothes , bibs , bottles , pacifiers , pampers , wipes , and etc .

I had just found out three months ago that I was pregnant and I couldn't explain the feeling I felt knowing I was actually a mother . I literally had a whole human being growing inside of me .

After telling Ashanti and giving her that "Godmama" title she went crazy . She already was shopping for the baby as if it was her own .

As far as telling Kentrell , he already knew . The fact that he trapped me baffled me everytime I thought about it . He was still locked up and hopefully he would be released next week , when his next court date was .

"Ashanti , you don't have to buy everything." I chuckled

"You right but I can't help it . I love babies." She shrugged holding up a cute two piece fit for a infant babygirl . It was a white crop top with a pink tutu and matching headband to go with it .

"Now you can't tell me this ain't the cutest thing ever." She cooed

"I like it." I smiled. "But I doubt Kentrell gonna let ha' wear that IF it is a girl."

"Ugh , I can't even get mad at that . Every first time dad does the most." Ashanti inwardly rolled her eyes. "And as much hell that Kentrell give you , it better be a girl . If you have a boy ima just pray for you."

I snickered and shook my head . I knew if this was a mini Kentrell in me I was gonna need all the praying I could get . I could only imagine how bad his ass was gonna be .

For someone who was only five months I was already big as hell . I ate more than anything , I wobbled when I walked , my breasts and feet both were swollen every now and then , and I was gaining plenty weight .

Instead of knowing what I was having , I've decided to wait until my gender reveal/baby shower to find out the gender . With me being in college , I was surprised to see everyone actually laying off on me for a bit . At times I couldn't make it to class , I had the opportunity to do my classes online so I wouldn't be left behind .

There were a series of playful knocks on our door catching our attention .

"I hope it ain't nobody playing on this fucking door like I won't beat they ass." Ashanti said as she made her way over to the door .

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