Jason Voorhees x Reader

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I was like any other teen in the '80s. Smoking pot, drinking, having sex- well actually I wish I had sex but nope! This gay bitch is still a virgin! Besides being homosexual in the 1980s and still a virgin at 17 everything was pretty lit.
Bailey blew the smoke from her weed into my face making me roll my eyes.
"Knock it off Bailey!" I yelled and grabbed the dope from her and took a breath of it.
"Oh c'mon Y/n~ lay back a little! Plus you might get laid this spring break~" she winked and looked over to David who sat in the passenger's seat who was talking to Rob that was driving. I blushed before exhaling the smoke into Bail's face getting revenge.
"Are you seriously suggesting that David will get it on with Y/n?? No way! My money's on Morgan hooking up with him" Emily came over from her seat in the large van and joined the conversation.
"Ooo~ can I join in on your secret girl talk?~" Pete joined also and began teasing us. I glared at Pete, Emily's boyfriend, before rolling my eyes again. I handed the weed to Emily and she took a swig.
"It's not girl talk it's just those two gambling their money away on something that will never happen" I chuckled out.
"True" Bailey said as Emily just shrugged.
"Hah whatever you say. But I bet MY money on him hooking up with that psychopath Jason Voorhees~" Pete said earning a groan from everyone in the car.
"Why do you date him again" I asked Emily and she just shrugged once more.
"Can you please shut the fuck up about that Voorhees dude?! He's just a myth!" Rob shouted from up front.
"Uh? Ya sure about that?" Pete said and threw a pile of stapled papers onto Rob's lap.
"What the fuck?" He asked still trying to drive.
"That's all of the info I've found about him! He has actual police files and he's not in custody OR dead!" Pete shouted.
"Yeah, ALL the info you found on him. Bro this is at most 10 pages of nonsense!" David said flipping through it.
"Whatever! But I'm not saving your dead ass when you get chased down by a machete wielding psycho later!" Pete defended himself and went back to what he was doing before. David threw the packet of papers to the back of the van so I grabbed it. I went through it slightly and I saw a photo of what he's supposed to look like today. I hummed to myself and dug my sketch book out along with a pencil.
I began doing various sketches of the man wearing a hockey mask, also a few where he wore a bag with eye holes in it.

"We're here assholes!" Rob said parking the van in an open area in the forest like place.
I put my drawings back into my bag and swung it onto my shoulders and slid the van door open jumping out.
"Ugh what's that smell?" Morgan groaned out covering his nose.
"Probably a rotting animal you wuss!" David pushed passed Morgan and earned a glare from him. David took a deep breath before going to the back of the van to get the booze out.
"How the fuck did we get so much booze?" I asked staring at the 15 cases of it.
"Rob here has his ways" Pete said and slung his arm around Rob's shoulders.
I looked up into the tall trees and didn't hear a single bird.
"Ay! Are you gonna help or not?" Rob yelled to me. I grabbed a couple cases of beer and set them out. I grabbed one and cracked it open and drank some.
"Ah fuck!" I turned around to see Morgan on the ground with the tent pieces on top of him. I laughed and walked over deciding to help him.

We all had our chairs set out and along with 4 tents set up. We've all had at lest 1 beer by now, we finished eating some hotdogs on sticks for dinner and it was getting dark and extremely boring.
"Hey guys we should go skinny dipping in the lake!" Pete suggested.
"What lake dude?" David asked confused.
"Bro there's a lake only a bit away from here! It's on the map" Pete convinces and stands up. I shrugged and stood up also going to my tent and grabbing a towel and my backpack.
"Aight' I'm in" I said grabbing another beer.
"C'mon guys it'll be fun" Pete says as I stood next to him.
"Right. Ok fine let's go" rob said finally standing up. Everyone else got up and grabbed something before we started hiking to the lake.

We got there within a few minutes and I gasped at how cool the stars and moon looked above the large lake. I threw my backpack against a tree and started stripping. I noticed that David nor Morgan were just standing there.
"Uh... aren't you guys going in?" I asked before pulling my underwear down and walking to the lake completely nude. The girls were already in there splashing each other naked as well. The two guys started stripping too after a second of silence.
I jumped in and the water was the perfect temperature. I came back up from under water only to be splashed. I glared at Bailey who was laughing while I blushed.

Jason POV:

I watched as the high schoolers stripped down and jumped into the water. I slowly creeped towards a tree where a particular bag laid against it. I slowly dragged the bag into the darkness with me. I carefully went through it to come across pretty drawings of me in the bag. I looked back to the lake to see the teenaged boy, the same one who drew me beautifully, smiling and blushing. I cherished that and burned it into my head. I gripped my machete tighter when another teen pulled my boy closer to him. My boy's face got redder which I loved but it was the other man that made his face so nicely looking.
"Be right back guys!" The guy says who just had my boy in his arms.. he leaves the water and walks close to where I was making me duck down as he walks away from the eyesight from the other teens. This was perfect. I stalked behind him and raised my machete before striking him in the back of his head with my weapon. I shoved my sharp item so deep into his skull the top of it came out of his eye. It was almost instant death...
I drag the body away so it's more hidden and go back to my spot to watch the teens only to see ANOTHER male groping what belongs to me!

Your POV:

"What's taking David so long??" I ask and out of no where Rob gropes my ass while smirking.
"Don't know but now that he's letting have a turn with you I don't care so much.." you could tell rob had drank a lot of beer already and was clearly drunk..
"Stop it Rob your drunk.., can someone please please get him off of me??!" I ask. The girls just giggled.
"Looks like you two need some time... c'mon Emily, Bailey, Morgan.. lets go find David and leave the love birds alone.." Pete teased resulting me to blush and huff looking away. The sun had already set by now as the four got dressed and headed into the woods leaving me alone with rob's drunk ass...

Rob pulls my back against his chest as he kisses up my neck while squeezing my hips tightly probably leaving bruises..
"C'mon Rob... leave me alone.." I mumble pushing away.
"Awe c'mon baby.. I know you like the attention.~" his hands travelled down lower.
"Knock it off Rob!!" I yell to him kicking him in the stomach.
Before rob could do anything else screaming came from deep in the woods. I shook violently and jumped out of the water and pulled a towel around me.
"What the hell!!" I shout. Rob scrambled to put on his clothes and runs into the woods with his pocket knife out. I roll my eyes and tugged my clothes back on after drying off.

I felt like something was watching me.. I hadn't left the dock to the river and it's been 15 minutes since rob had left. I swear...
I then felt warm familiar arms around me, holding on tightly.
"Rob I-" I turned around to scold rob but it.. it wasn't rob at all it.. no its... I stared wide eyed filled with fear as the one and only Jason Voorhees who was hugging me.
He was covered in blood and smelled disgusting but looked exactly how he looked in the pictures in Pete's little packet.. pete.. OH MY GOD.
I realize that the screaming.. the the blood on his clothes and... Jesus fucking christ I'm next... I begin crying harshly. The infamous killer.. combed his gloved hand through my hair for some reason.. it was soothing before remembering that yeah.. he's a sociopath.
"Y-Your J-Jason..." I confirm to myself in a whisper. The bulky man nods his head to question. Wait.. why am I not dead yet? How actually...?
"A-are you g-going to k-kill me?" I ask in a raspy voice from sobbing loudly. He quickly shakes his head no in a some what worried tone.

Why me?

Slashers x Male Reader Oneshots/ImaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant