Leatherface x Reader

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Well that's just fucking great. I sighed as smoke poured out from the engine of my car. I slammed the top down covering the engine again and groaned.
"'Oh I can't make the 4 hour drive again~ c'mon let's meet halfway~' ugh fucking lunatics" I should've known this shitty car wouldn't make 2 hours! And my parents I was supposed to meet halfway haven't been picking up their phones at all!
"Fucking" I kicked the side of my cheap ass car.
"I don't think that will fix anything sweetheart!" I turned to see a sherif sticking his head out of the window to look at me.
"I don't think anything can fix this pile of shit" I said and he chuckled.
"So what are you doing out here?" He asked. I walked up to his police car and noticed a rather large man sitting in the passenger's seat, he had longish black hair and a matching black leather mask. The sherif noticed me staring at him.
"Oh that's just Tommy. My name's sherif Hoyt. What's yours?" I walked up to his car window.
"Nothing special, Y/n. So is Tommy your son or..?" I tilted my head to the side.
"No Tommy's my nephew. Do you want a ride? I can bring you back to our place and get my friend to tow your car back there." He smiled.
"Wow really? Are you sure I'd be ok?" I asked.
"Yup we won't mind isn't that right Tommy?" Hoyt turned to Tommy and he slowly nodded his head.
"Hi Tommy nice to meet you" I grinned to him sticking my hand out to him but he just stared at it.
"Oh Tommy here ain't the one for psychical contact" Hoyt said and I nodded pulling my hand back.
"Go on hop in the back" He said and I did as told after grabbing my wallet and phone from my car.

"So... you're local here?" I asked trying to start up conversation again.
"Yup! Born and raised." He said.
"Y'know we would've ignored you and your car if it weren't for Tommy taking a liking to ya" he said looking at me through the driver's mirror.
"..Right.." I said confused. I glanced at Tommy to see him staring me down which made my head jerk to look at the floor.
"You see, we really hate tourists but Tommy here said that he would like to have ya! And he's been so good the last year so I decided that he can have a little pet like yourself." He exclaimed.
"Sir, I'm not sure what you mean by that.." I looked at him confusingly before the car pulled up to a rather large house.
I was now really scared at what Hoyt meant by Tommy having me. I began fumbling with my phone and desperately began calling my mother. The loud ringing from my phone made them shoot their heads back to look at me.
"What are ya doing there?" Hoyt asked and went to grab my still ringing phone. Instincts kicked in and I punched him across the face.
"Let me go you psychos!" I screamed and began wiggling the door handle but it was locked.
"TOMMY! Train that pet of yours to show some respect!" Hoyt yelled and Tommy suddenly grabbed me by the arm roughly. I looked to him to see him glaring at me as he pulled me out of the vehicle and dragged me to the ground. He slapped me across the face so hard that my head swung to the left and hit the ground. I sobbed loudly as my hands held the cheek he wounded.
"Good job Tommy. Now what are you name him?" I heard Hoyt ask his nephew. I continued to cry as I kept my head down but felt their eyes burning into me. I looked up slightly and saw Tommy doing his arms in a position as if he was holding a baby and began rocking them side to side while staring at Hoyt now.
"His name is Baby?" Hoyt asked. Tommy nodded looking back down to me.
"Heh. Baby suits him after all that crying he's done" Hoyt said and began walking to the large concrete building.
"If he's gonna be in my house then you better keep a leash on him!" He shouted before slamming the door behind him. I looked to Tommy now as my cheeks were stained pink from the crying.
"Pl-Please don't hurt me.." I begged pathetically. He continued to stare down at me before he picked me up and swung me over his shoulder making me gasp at how quickly he'd done it.
He walked to a garage I presumed. He started digging around in random old drawers and boxes before he found what he wanted. He sat me down on my feet and locked a dog collar around my neck. When he pulled away I began trying to pry it off of me but then he held a pair of keys in my face making me mentally groan. He then connected a chain linked leash to the collar I was wearing and yanked on it making my body jerk forward. He nodded to himself and began walking to the front entrance to the mansion- of course with him tugging me along behind him.
We walked in through the front door to be greeted by this old little lady wearing glasses.
"I heard from Hoyt that you got a new pet." She smiled and she walked up to me and pinched my cheek that Tommy had slapped earlier making me hiss and whimper.
"Aw he's a cute one Tommy" she said and walked off into the kitchen.
Tommy tugged on the leash making me walk forward following him again.
We went down a hallway before he opened a door and taking me inside of a bathroom?
He closed the door and locked it making me nervous. He then picked me up by the sides and sat me on the bathroom counter by the sink. I got more confused by the minutes at this place!
He grabbed a cloth and ran some water on it before taking it up to my cheek that he had harmed earlier and carefully dabbing it. I bit my lower lip and looked away. He then pressed a bit too hard making a whimper escape my mouth. I cursed silently to myself when that embarrassing sound left my system. And Tommy had obviously noticed also since he stopped his dabbing and pulled away. I then jumped and squeaked when he kissed my slap mark. I quickly covered my mouth with my hands while blushing hard. He pulled away and noticed my state making him chuckle. Well I think he chuckled when a bumpy huff came from his nose.
Jesus help me now.
la la la
blah blah blah words words words
money now please

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