Billy Loomis x Reader

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"Can you guys keep your voices down?!" I whisper yelled to Stu and Randy.
"Sorry babe" randy apologized and wrapped his arm around my waist bringing me closer. I rolled my eyes at the theories Randy was spewing out of his mouth.
"But I'm telling you guys. It's definitely billy" just as the words left his mouth he turned around only to see Billy Loomis. Randy's eyes widened.
"How do we know if you're not the killer huh?" Billy asks him while staring him down. Stu came over and propped himself on Randy's shoulders with his head looking over to see his face Stu was grinning the whole time.
"Hi Billy" randy nervously laughed. By now I was at least a good foot away from the trio.
"How do we know if your freaky horror movie mind is the one behind all of this?" He asked.
"You're absolutely right! If this was a horror movie I'd be the prime suspect" randy agreed still obviously panicking.
"That's right" Billy said backing away slightly.
"And what would your motive be?" Stu asked while playing with his earlobe. Alright!
"His motive would be to slash anyone's throats out if they dare disrespect his one and only boyfriend! Isn't that right randy?" I asked now having their attention on me. I walked up to them and pushed Stu away from Randy and grabbed my boyfriend's hand. Billy seemed pissed so I took it a step forward and kissed Randy's cheek.
"Yes... that would be my motive" Randy hesitated. I leaned against Randy's side and looked up to Billy to see his squinted eyes looking down to me.
"Are you coming to the party tonight Billy?" I asked as I cheekily trailed down my index finger on his chest.
"Yes" he answered immediately making me chuckle.
"I thought you weren't go-"
"SHUT UP STU" he shouted cutting Stu off. Billy then walked out of the store.
"You're telling me that's not a killer?" Randy looked to me and Stu. I laughed some more.
"C'mon Randy~ I need a ride home so I can start getting ready" I said tugging at his arm.
"But my shifts not over yet" he claimed and grabbed some more video tapes and putting them on the shelves.
"Fine. Guess I'll be riding with Billy" I jokingly said starting to head for he door but Randy stopped me.
"Ok ok I'll drive you to your house as soon as my shift is over"
"Which is?"
"In 45 minutes" I groaned at the answer I got.
"Y'know I can drive ya home N/n" Stu said.
"NOPE! He can wait" randy said for me. I laughed silently.
"Kay I'll be at the grocery store across the street until then." I said and pecked his lips before leaving.
I sighed once I exited the small building.
"I'm glad ya changed your mind~" I said not needing to turn around and see who it was.
"Was the kissing really necessary?" He asked wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.
"We wouldn't want anyone to get suspicious right?" I asked turning around and tangling my arms around Billy's neck. He grinned down at me. He bent over slightly and kissed me hard.
"We shouldn't be doing this right in front of the video store.." I breathed out pulling away from him and began walking to the cross walk with him following.
"And we shouldn't be killing people~ but who can stop us?" He asked teasingly. I stopped waiting for the light to turn red.
"Us? I'm not the one gutting people out like fish Billy. That's a you and Stu thing." I sighed and walked across the street when the cars stopped.
"Yet you haven't called the cops when you found out~" he said and blew on my earlobe making me shiver. We got to the sidewalk and began making our way to the shop.
"Billy I fucking love you ok? And I'll be damned if you get fucking caught! To be honest you should just go to the police and blame it all on Stu he's a fucking moron" I scoffed as I entered the store.
"If you love me so much then you'll break it off with Randy and run away with me. Tonight" he said. I stopped in my tracks towards the chips and turned around.
"Run... Run away with you? Tonight? Jesus Billy what's going through that fucked up head of yours?! That will be suspicious as hell!" I whisper yelled to him while grabbing my chips and throwing it in a hand basket I grabbed.
"Not if we play the cards just right. C'mon baby, I'll even kick Stu out of the plan for you!" He turned me around making me drop the basket.
"What cards?! What kind of game are you even playing?" I asked snapping his hand off of me.
"Billy... I'll break it off with Randy when he gets here after his shift.." I calmed down and looked over his shoulder to see Tatum and Sidney shopping together. Billy turned around to see them also.
"But you have to kick Stu out of the plan and kill that bitch Sidney" I glared and looked back at Billy who was already staring me down.
"What do I get in return?~" he asked smirking down at me already knowing my answer.
"I'll run away with you Billy, I'll run away with only you tonight. But I swear to god the second we get caught I'm telling the cops you held me hostage" I sighed and went over to the ice cream area in the store and put a couple pints in my basket.
"You won't regret this N/n. Trust me." He pinned me up against the freezer door making me cold.
"I've already trusted you with my life didn't I?" I asked smirking up to him. He pressed his body against mine and he let out a sigh of content before passionately kissing me. His lips were so soft and chapped. And the fact I was kissing a killer I love made it all the more thrilling and enticing.
He pulled away looking into my eyes. I huffed for breath quietly.
He was about to go in for another kiss but I stopped him.
"You'll have more later. Just wait." I laughed at his angry face before he went somewhere else into the store. Probably gonna wait for Randy to come so he knows for sure I broke it off with him. He needed reassurance after all since before Billy came into your life you were all over randy. But now you were so tired of him.

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