(2) Protecting From A Far

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When Shiloh was 12 years old she was starting to learn the basis of her family and why they didn't like going out to town very much. And why she was home schooled with the other kids. One night it was a full moon night Ryan came to her as she was watching tv and just like every full moon night she was told to stay home.

"Dad why can't I go out." she said 

"Because you are to young." he said

"But you let Max this isn't fair." she said 

"Shiloh Novalee I said no you stay home." Ryan said 

Then she watched as her mom brother and dad all took and transformed into their wolf form. She crossed her arms as she pouted "This isn't fair. I"m perfectly capable of taking care of myself." she said 

By two hours Shiloh was bored and wanted to have fun. She went downstairs and transformed as she went running. She saw all the other wolf packs and hid back so she wouldn't get in trouble. She saw the alphas take off and then she saw her mom staying back with the other omega wives. 

She didn't see any young omegas and started to head back home when she came to screeching halt and came face to face with one of the lone alphas. Bucky felt her as they were imprinted on each other and turned back around and went running and pounched on the lone wolf and they fought each other. James and Ryan came running over to help. 

Shiloh was shaking then her dad seen her and shook his head. She walked home with her head down. Bucky looked James and he followed her home to make sure she got home safe then joined the rest of the pack. 

The next morning she walked into the kitchen to see her mom stitching up Bucky's side. "Do you think this is funny Shiloh what the hell were doing out last night?' Bucky said 

She looked down and walked away Ryan said "You answer him Shiloh he is an alpha in this pack." 

She wiped a few tears and kept walking. "Shiloh Novalee." Ryan said and she slammed door. 

Ryan went upstairs and threw her over his shoulder "You will learn to listen Shiloh do you understand me. I specifically told you to stay home that you are to little to be out. And it was very clear last night if Bucky didn't attack Jones you would be dead." Ryan said as he made her sit down on the stool. 

Rosalie finished up one wound to stitch another. Bucky groaned in pain "It's not fair daddy you let Max at my age." she said 

"Cause he's a damn..ow shit your brother is an alpha there's a difference Shiloh. "Bucky said as he gripped the counter tops. James and Winnie came in with breakfast and coffee. 

"Do you have something to say to James and Winnie" Rosalie said 

"Thank you for breakfast." she said as she found her biscuit.

"No.."Ryan said

Bucky groaned as she got to the deeper wound James stuck a wash cloth in his mouth as he screamed in pain. "I know James I'm sorry that's why I waited on this one but you are doing good." Rosalie. 

"I'm sorry James got hurt Mr and Mrs Barnes." Shiloh said as she walked away. 

Shiloh laid up in her bed crying once Rosalie finished up Bucky turned around and saw that she didn't even eat her biscuit or open her orange juice. He sighed and took them upstairs to her room "You need to eat." he said 

"Shiloh Novalee eat your damn biscuit and drink your juice." he said 

She sighed and started to eat her breakfast. "Happy Now." she said 

Bucky walked out and said "I"m leaving now. Thanks Rosalie." he said

"James.." Winnie said 

"I have plans.." he said as he left. 

Bucky walked to his house and got on his motorcycle and headed to town and to the bakery to see his girlfriend Katie who was a beta which he loved. 

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