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Something magical happened soon after Baby Kelhoffer was born.   A couple, came for a visit.   Baby K was held in their arms,  cuddled snuggled and loved.   The couple decided they wanted a family and they chose Baby K! A few weeks later,  she had a new start.   Baby K was given a name, Mya and a loving home.  What more could she have wanted?

Mya lived a good life with the merriest of Christmases and happiest of birthdays.   Her family doted on her,  a village of family members coming together to help raise her.  The couple gave Mya everything she could ever want and need.   Life was amazing!
One day something changed.  The couple's dynamic was different, instead of laughter and love,  there was arguing and yelling.   Mya sat in her room crying quietly.  For some reason,  she knew it had something to do with her.   She was used to bringing people misery.   Not to much longer after that,  the couple parted ways.  It was Mya and mom against the world. 

The GirlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon