Chapter 11

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*Talon's POV*

I need alcohol. Sure it's only about one in the afternoon. Sure I'm a highschool student who should be in school right now, but I'm also only human... Pfffaw nah. Not human, wow I'm funny. What I mean is, I am only what I am. I'm not a superior celestial creature, and I do what I can. One of those things I can do is drink.

I step off the public bus, one of I think 3 that made rounds around the town. As I jump down onto the curve and the bus pulls away I look up. West Cherry Avenue. The Black Queen Pub. It was a quaint little pub, one with dark oak wood and red tile. It was card themed, a special pub that many supernaturals went to. I'd only been here a few times. E... he works here. A job he needed to get after his family threw him out when he changed. He was really close with his little sisters and I know it was hard for him... not thet that excuses anything!

There were a few reasons I was stopping here. Not just because I needed a drink. The pub is full of information, valuable to me right now. I need to figure out what's up with the alpha kiddo and why he would reject Max. Not that it was surprising, werewolves seem to hate us, I just wanna figure out why. As I step into the dark pub the bell ahead sounds. Funnily enough there were 2, one for normal ears and one that was alike to a dog whistle. Most supernatural creatures can hear it, tho some can't. Dwarfs and goblins are a few to name.

It was mostly barren in here. The room was big enough for maybe 50 people to comfortably eat, though there were only 5 or 6 that I could see spread out between tables and bar-stools. I stride over to the bar and take a seat. To my left was a rather burly man, with long hair pulled back into a messy mound of brown. He looked to be somewhere in his thirties, with a trucker hat resting next to him and a sparkly bedazzled pink smart phone.

"Hello, welcome to the Black Queen what can I get yo- oh Talon." A familiar voice states. Surely enough he was here, I look up at Eton. His blonde hair and brownish-red eyes were right in front of me before I could speak. He seemed excited although cautious. "You finally want to join the guard!" He states.

"Um no." I state while pulling out my wallet and fumbling with a five. "I need a drink."

He lowers his eyelids in disappointment and sarcasm. He takes the five and pulls down a glass. "Beer? Sherly-temple?" I quickly tell him the beer I want and watch as he gets it ready. "So you're not here to join the guard, getting a drink couldn't possibly be the reason you choose this of all places. Don't you have a stash in your room?"

"Um, actually no... not anymore anyways. I drank it last night." I state while taking the glass and savoring a big gulp. "I was wondering what information you had on the Alpha's boy."

He leans on the bar with his elbows eyeing me strangely. "Why do you want to know?" He questions while pulling up some peanuts and giving me a package. The guy next to us was watching something on his phone. It was loud enough that I could hear if I tried, but instead ignored it and listening to the crinkling of the peanut wrapper.

"He's Max's mate." I state while opening the pack and popping a few in my mouth. "He rejected Max though. I need to figure out why, since beating him to a pulp isn't really a viable option."

He seemed surprised as he thought for a moment. "So Max really was gay..." He shakes his head jumping back to the conversation. "I really can't tell you much. It was before my time, clearly." He seemed to be thinking about something before speaking. "I had heard though that at one point the werewolf pack here in Kaiso had used to have nymphs in it before they came here. Something happened, I don't know what, that never got said. People have mentioned an 'incident' before and it normally was along the lines of black magic. So take from that what you will. You nymphs dabble in that sometimes don't you?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2019 ⏰

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