Chapter 3

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*Ren's POV*

My third-period class was journalism. Mr. Tray opens the door with a smile on his face, me trailing behind him silently. "Good Morning Mrs. Gill, it seems we have a new student at our beloved school. Come on, introduce yourself." He motions for me to speak.

I turn towards the students, my veins pounding. "Hello, My name's Renae. I just moved here from California, um yeah." I twist my foot and look at the ground awkwardly.

Mr.Tray turns to Mrs.Gill, a woman in her mid 30's with short black hair and librarian glasses. "I sent you an email about her earlier today. She's the one with the thing." He whispers.

"Oh yes, yes. Hello dear, now students let's welcome her to Journalling 1." Mrs. Gill claps and about 5 other students join her. Once she stops she hands me a folder with a book and quill printed on it. "You're going to be seated next to Maze. Maze raise your hand please!"

I look over while gripping the folder. A girl around my age with light blonde hair and a beautiful white dress raises her hand. I go to take my seat, but pause when my eyes lock onto someone. SHE was beautiful. She had chestnut almost golden hair that stopped before her shoulders and fell choppily to the right of her face. I feel my face heat up slightly as I look at her gray eyes. She gives me a weird look and I jump. I practically run over to my seat in a panic and feel my face heat up.

Oh gosh that was so awkward. Maze, the blonde girl looks at me with a shy smile. Her eyes were slightly bloodshot and beneath her eyelids was red. I try to offer back a smile but freeze as I'm pulled into her loud thoughts.

I'm sitting in her seat looking up at myself. I'm introducing myself. Her thoughts ring through my mind. 'It probably would be best this way. Auggie can move on... he and I were never truly meant to be together. Part of me always knew that I suppose, but I didn't want to believe it. I wanted to think that somebody would truly appreciate the real me... This new girl is lucky. Starting off with a clean slate... I wish I could do that. Pretend that Aug and I never got together. That he never held me while my sobs racked my body harshly. That he wasn't the only reason I kept going in the pitiful world. I wish that I could be free.' I give my brief awkward speech to the class as Maze move us to raise our hand. 'It'll be okay though. With Auggie and I split, I can finally be free. Tonight will be the end of it all. I just need to get through the rest of school today and then I'll no longer be a burden to Aug... he deserves to be happy.' Maze turns us to look at my flushed face while I sat next to her awkwardly. I only briefly caught the piercing blue glow in my eyes before the flashback stopped.

I close and open my eyes once more. Feeling them recede back to normal I stare at her for a few moments. People who are often burdened by too much cast their mental energy outward. Making it somewhat of a trap for me. At least that's how I'd describe it. It's like their brain is calling for help when their soul doesn't want to. Although I'm not sure if I believe in souls it sounds profound... Her thoughts were disheartening though... why did she want it to be over? What demons did she have that made her think this way? I force myself to not give her a look of pity. I hope she doesn't do anything rash. This world is all we puny insignificant humans have... and I don't quite know her demons I hope she can fight them. Of course I say demons loosely, demons only exist in stories and people's minds.

I hadn't even realized that the teacher had been speaking. I jump slightly and face forward while listening to her yap. "So, for the rest of class today, you young reporters need to finish your last article and get it turned in so I can grade it before midterms are due next Wednesday. If you have yours turned in then you can start the next chapter reading or have a study hall. Whichever you'd like, now I'm going to get coffee I'll be five minutes. Talon you're in charge." With that Mrs.Gill grabs her bag and while holding her head walks out of the classroom. Are they allowed to do that? It didn't seem like Mrs.Gill cared much though.

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