❅ Chapter Five ❅

Start from the beginning

Medusa turned around, she looked the same just aged a bit. "Ah, hello Hans. How have you been? What brings you here from your perch in the palace?" She asked, beaming with happiness in her voice and eyes, which to Hans was unsettling to see.

Hans looked up at her and gave her a sheepish smile. How was he to react to her actually smiling for once?  "Oh, I have been fine and just heard some things. Was getting a little bored and the reconstruction of the palace. It is what headaches are made of. I also was getting a little lonely if you know what I mean?" He rambled trying to avoid his true reason for coming.

He gave a sheepish smile to Medusa.  'This might be harder than I thought. I hope she doesn't go crazy over this rumor. It is baseless nonsense that was good gossip to keep you entertained. Besides, she's not going to be angry with me over the rumor that there may have been a survivor.' He thought to himself.

Medusa raised an eyebrow at him and walked closer to the crow. "What is it, Hans?" She could tell Hans was wanting to tell her something. She has raised that bird since he was a chick with a hurt wing. She narrowed her eyes a bit more as she looked at him, he was reluctant about telling her that was for sure.

Hans took a deep breath and tapped the tips of his wings together. "Well, do not be mad at me for this. I have no idea why I felt the need to tell you, but something keeps telling me I need to. I hope you don't be disappointed nor would you take your anger out on me because it isn't my fault -"

Medusa groaned cutting him off as he had been rambling. "Get to the point Hans, I don't have all day." She grumpily told him, her eyes narrowing a little bit. It was obvious she wasn't too happy with his rambling and just wanted to know his ulterior motive in coming here.

Hans took yet another deep breath and continued. "You know how it is rumored that you murdered the whole royal family? That some mysterious woman - you - had orchestrated it? And how many people have claimed to have ended the Rosenbergs but nothing could be proven?" He began to explain slowly, shifting his gaze down to the table and drawing an imaginary circle with his claw.

Medusa nodded and gave an amused and slightly confused look. What was he trying to get at? "Yes. What about them? Am I going to have an interview about why I did it?" She perked up a bit, hoping she was wanted for an interview which so far hadn't happened like she had planned it going. "Finally someone is going to interview me about my plans because it was completely obvious that I set everything into motion with my grand entrance at the Winter Gala."

Hans' eyes grew wide with surprise, he shook his head quickly. That was not what he was going to say. Actually far from it. "Um, no, Mistress." No one wanted to interview her since they were all scared of her. Plus they knew they couldn't lock her up, she would end up getting out and they have no real proof she did anything but what she said. Yet again a lot of people took credit for it.

Medusa rested her cheek in her hand, letting out a bored sigh. "If it is not that, then what is it? If they don't want an interview then they probably don't want a picture, either. So tell me, what is it, Hans?" She was growing rather bored with what he was saying. So if it wasn't that then why did he come?

Hans took a deep breath then just blurted it out. She was not going to be happy, not one little bit of course he had to emphasize it was just his bunch. "Due to some rumors, gossip, and even from what I saw with my own eyes, that they may not all be dead." He could tell she was about to interrupt him so he quickly continued in a rushed manner. "Before you get mad though, it perhaps isn't even true. You know how people are bored with their life and want to chat about anything they hear and misconstrue." He rambled, closing his eyes shut just waiting for Medusa to harm him with her uncontrollable anger.

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