Chapter 1

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Kongpob adjusted his sunglasses and walked towards his car without replying any of the reporters' questions. "Many are saying it was a suicide attempt? Can you confirm it to us, please sir?" Kongpob gritted his teeth but stayed silent as the bodyguards walking along with him tried to get rid of the reporters. But the next question made him feel cold. He even faltered in his steps for a second. "Was it because you cheated on him that he tried to kill himself?" He turned to look at that reporter who dared to say such a thing. His eyes were cold behind the sunglasses as he stared at her. He then walked again determinedly towards the car. He needed to go to Japan to know more. Because the answers were there. Only his husband could answer them.

He sat down in the car and nodded a silent greeting at his friend. Aim sat there, looking so morose. "Don't you think it's time to tell me why you guys separated the very next day of your wedding? Why did you not divorce each other and are just living apart?? It makes no sense!!" Kongpob removed his sunglasses and simply looked outside, worry making his entire body tremble. He whispered: "He is unconscious and lying alone in a hospital right now. Can we have this conversation later?" Aim fell silent, his face grim. Why was Kongpob worried when Arthit had left him five years ago? He simply shook his head. He never understood that at all. No one did in fact.

The airport was full of reporters again and Kongpob just ignored them totally. He hid his trembling hands in his pockets. And his worried eyes behind his sunglasses. His phone rang and he hesitantly spoke to the doctor. A few minutes later, he could finally breathe in relief. The patient was now conscious and was undergoing some tests right now. He could now calmly board the plane. He was just in time for his flight. He sat down and waited for the hours to be gone. He even closed his eyes, searching for sleep. But the latter never came. And he finally opened his eyes to look straight, lost in thought. Had Arthit really tried to commit suicide? Why? Why would he try to kill himself? He was the one who just announced that he would not live together with Kongpob on their wedding night, packed his things and left the country.

"Was it because you cheated on him that he tried to kill himself?", had asked the reporter. Kongpob frowned. How could he cheat on someone who did not care that he was married or not? Why should it make any difference to him if Kongpob even cheated? He closed his eyes and remembered each time he had actually met with Arthit during these five years. Most of those times that Arthit was willing to meet with him were during a business meeting. The few times that Kongpob went to him to beg him to come back were dark memories and Kongpob shook his head, refusing to think about them now. No, Arthit did not care what Kongpob did in his life. He never did. He sighed. He wondered how Arthit would react when he saw him in the hospital. Would it be wise to appear in front of him? He played with his seatbelt and stared at his watch, willing the two arrows representing time to move faster.

Hours later, he strode into one of the hospital's private rooms. He was tense. So tense. Especially after the doctor had just informed him about the memory loss. He looked at his husband who was lying there, his eyes closed. He walked to the bed and the sudden noise caused Arthit to open his eyes. Arthit blinked his eyes at him and smiled tentatively. He even tilted his head and asked in a hoarse voice: "Do I know you?" Kongpob gritted his teeth and simply nodded. "I am sorry but I don't know who you are..", said Arthit as he winced in pain. Kongpob whispered: "I am-" Arthit asked in a hopeful voice: "My husband?" Surprised, Kongpob stared at him with wide eyes. So, he remembered? Arthit whispered: "The doctor asked me a lot of questions... He then told me that my husband was in his way to the hospital.." His eyes went to Kongpob's ring and he waited for his answer.

Kongpob finally nodded. So much for hoping that Arthit did not have the partial memory loss. He sat down on the chair near the bed and just looked at his partner. He looked so fragile. Scratches on his cheeks, on his arms, on his hands and bandages covering part of his head and forehead. "A-are you?", he heard Arthit ask. He focused on him again and found Arthit already looking at him, biting his lip in worry. Was he what? Arthit whispered again: "Are you mad?" Kongpob sat back and asked instead: "Why would I be?" The patient continued to chew on that miserable lower lip and muttered: "Because you nearly lost me? Your life partner?" Kongpob had no answer to that. He however, said softly: "Will you stop it?" Arthit, startled, asked: "Huh?" Kongpob stood up and reached out with one hand to untangle Arthit's poor fingers. It was almost painful to see Arthit wriggling his hands like that in worry, especially when his fingers were so hurt.

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