Family reunion

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I arrived at Sarah's place next morning and before I could open the door I heard Sarah talking but I just thought she was on the phone or that the tv was on so I didn't mind and got in with my keys.
"Sar?" I lightly called and she came towards me hugging me.
"I swear I was as surprised as you will be, but I have to introduce you to someone" she whispered.
"Do I really have to show the worst version of myself with zero hours of sleep and a desperate need for a shower?" I said.
"They will love you too don't worry" she smiled.
"No wait, you can tell it wasn't me and that you had just heard something and I can go away" I begged her.
"Baby I can't they heard you too, come with me and it will be okay I promise" she chuckled.
"Okay but this wasn't the kind of surprise I was waiting for, just saying" I said making her laugh.
She introduced me to her mother and sisters who were waiting in the living room.
I was shocked.
"It's really a pleasure to finally meet you, I wish it had happened before but as you already know we both have very hectic lives so it's difficult to make plans" I said.
"Don't worry we were also curious to meet you but we know that you have many commitments" Sarah's mother said.
"Sarah is a master of procrastination so we just came otherwise we wouldn't have ever met you" her sister said making the others laugh.
"Well... what can I say, I wanted to keep her wonderful company all to myself" Sarah said looking at me and I hoped not to blush too much.
"I thought we would always share everything, sis" Rachel said making all laugh.
"I didn't mean it so literally" Sarah seriously said and made us laugh more.
"Okay so we're having lunch together Sylvia if you can join us" Sarah's mother offered.
"Yes of course I'd love to but I haven't really gone home since yesterday morning as I have been working so I may join you later." I said and they agreed.
"Sure dear, we'll wait for you"
"Ok so Sar I'll go now, text me any news okay?" I asked Sarah.
"Yes sure" she came with me to the door and when we were distant enough she said "I'm sorry, but they wanted to meet you so bad I knew I couldn't delay this moment much more" she said.
"Babe it's okay, I'm so glad to meet them too, I just hoped to look better the first time they saw me but I think it's okay anyway" I joked kissing her goodbye.
"See you later I love you!" She said and kissed me back.
I smiled and as soon as she closed the door. I took a deep breath... That was really Sarah's family.. that was her mother and her sisters... I mean I thought I would never meet them for real, I thought we weren't at that point...
I went home and had a shower, I knew that bed was whispering my name into my hear but I forced myself to ignore it and made a cup of coffe instead. I dressed in a yellow sweater and a black skirt I had my coffee but almost like a shot. I applied some make up because I really couldn't avoid it due to the lack of sleep. When I was finally ready my phone beeped, Sarah had texted me the address of the restaurant and I thought I had already heard of it but I couldn't remember it yet, I grabbed my purse and coat and walked out. Having to put on my black heels the immediate consequence was that I took a taxi because there was no way I would walk to that place wherever it was.
I jumped into a cab, told the driver where to go and I rested my head on the backseat but with my eyes wide open because I didn't want to fall asleep even though I almost did a couple of times. When we arrived at destination the driver informed me, I paid and when I got out I saw the hotel where we first met and had our first lunch together the day after. I smiled a little. Nothing was casual when it came to Sarah, she always planned any detail. I got in and rapidly joined them at their table as I already knew I was terribly late.
"I'm sorry I'm late I hope you were not too hungry" I joked sitting to the only remaining seat next to Sarah.
"Don't worry we haven't been waiting long and then you deserved to go home after working all night" Liz said.
"Yes I feel less tired at least given that I didn't get even a minute of sleep" I sighed.
"And it always is like this? Every night shift?" Rachel asked.
"No it really depends on the night, last night was one of the worst because there's always a lot of work... Looks like any kind of accident can occur on these holidays" I explained.
"Oh this I know for sure because we spent part of New Year's Eve in the emergency room when a nephew of mine risked losing two fingers for playing with New Year's barrels" Sarah's mother told us.
In the meantime chatting we had ordered and when they tasted it Sarah asked "do you like it here? Place and food?"
The three nodded with conviction and Rachel asked why she had insisted for this place in particular, Sarah's foot hit mine lightly under the table and I instantly looked at her to see her blush "well... that's where we first met. Ru please I told you the whole story, just don't" she said giggling.
"But you didn't tell it to your old mother, I want to know it too. I just had little tiny pieces of information every once in a while" her mother protested playfully.
"Oh mom please..." Sarah began but her mother raised her eyebrow and glared at her "okay okay I told you I was doing a contest to meet the fan who submitted the most beautiful fan art for American horror story" she paused and her mother nodded not interrupting the narration "and she was the talented girl whom I had told you about the same day" Sarah cut short and I was glad she hadn't added much detail.
"Yes but how did... this happen?" Liz asked.
"I just asked her her phone number... and yeah it's exactly the same with men Liz" Sarah laughed "you go on a date, maybe a second one if you're lucky and they may take place in the same day" she said laughing "mostly because I only had three days to conquer her heart"
"Oh so you asked for her number" her mother stated giggling.
"It would have been strange if I had done it" i joked and Rachel agreed with me.
"Yeah, so what?" Sarah said.
"I just wanted to know the story, you look beautiful together and I assume you're both happy and I am happy for you" Catharine said.
At those words Sarah's lips automatically smiled widely, looking at her she seemed happy and that smile shut all my fears down.
"Thank you, really, I needed this" Sarah uttered.
We just finished eating and after a little more chatting we headed out the restaurant and back at Sarah's place we said goodbye and they left to go back home with the promise that we would meet again soon with the rest of their families.
I said goodbye to everyone and got inside to leave them alone for a moment and just sat on the sofa relaxing a bit, I felt terribly tired and needed to sleep but there was something else disturbing me, those high heels, I took them off violently.
"Hey, did your shoes make you angry?" Sarah giggled from the door.
"Oh hey... No I'm not used to wear them and it's torture every time" I sighed.
"You did a very good first impression, high five babe" she joked but still wanted me to give her a high five so I did.
"Yeah? Are you sure?" I asked.
"Sure! My mother said she feels that I'm safe with you... which makes me feel like I'm the younger one but... I mean I feel this way too" she said smiling at me.
I couldn't help but smile, I mean that smile... the kind that takes away any negative thoughts.
"Come here.." I said tapping on the sofa next to me, she approached and cuddled in my arms. It was as if I hadn't breathed until I smelled her scent again. "I love you" I said tying strands of her blond hair behind her ear. She smiled. Again?! I'm so lucky today.
"I love you too" she whispered and kissed me. The whole day had felt so much like a daydream I thought I could wake up at any moment and I didn't want to so I held her closer and tighter just to make me realize all of what had happened was real. And that she was really there with me.
"I was thinking..." she began but then stopped.
"What?" I asked.
"What italian music is like? I mean I want to learn something and I think music is a good start..." she said and really made me gulp in surprise because I wasn't expecting that to be her thought at that moment.
"Sarah.. Italian music isn't really that good... I don't know I've always listened to American or English singers and groups..." I tried to explain.
"But you must know at least one Italian song" she laughed.
"Yes I know some of course but..." I protested
"Oh please, just a few songs... please?" She begged with a cute face.
"Okay okay you win... but you want old music or new? Old is much better but I think you'll like new music more"
"Mmmh... New! The one you would listen to when you wanna relax or... whenever" she said.
"Uh okay, I got it, they're a group, maybe the one I like the most and you won't probably understand a word but I'll look for a text on the internet"
"Yay! Thank you" She happily smiled and kissed on my cheek.
"It's not really the best translation but... yeah it gives an overall sense"  I played the song and gave her my phone with the text both in Italian and American. While the song was playing I was singing along absently and when I looked back up at her she was staring at me.
I blushed and said "you won't be learning Italian if you don't read the text" I joked.
"It's just..." she stopped the song playing "you have a beautiful voice... will you sing it 'til the end for me?" She asked.
"No no no I'm not able to sing a cappella, really Sarah please and also the last time I seriously sang something was a long time ago." There was no way I would have done this.
"Well it's never too late to start again, and I didn't ask you to go on a world tour singing, just sing this one for me" She laughed "one day I got back earlier and found you playing with that guitar right where you're sitting now" she said pointing at the guitar on the other side of the room "so if you can play and sing, why don't you sing and play this for me?" She asked with a crafty smile.
"it's not fair to spy on people, Sarah" I said standing to get the guitar.
"I would not say spying, rather acquiring information"
I shook my head and gave her a pissed look.
"I can't believe I'm really doing this" I sighed and then started playing. Sarah took the text again and waited for me to start singing.

"E se per caso mi dovessi svegliare
Colpito da un proiettile al cuore
Inseguito da strane cose
Mi basterebbe abbracciarti
Sotto le coperte
O sul divano a toccarti la mano
E a sentirti il respiro
Per ristare bene e tornare a dormire
E ritornare a sognare, uh-oh

E chiudendo gli occhi immagino
Immagino Fiumicino
Tu che parti per un viaggio
Io che annaffio le piante
Aspettando il tuo ritorno
Con lo sguardo perso tra le nuvole
Ed il telefono che suona
Non rispondo è ancora presto
La Corea del Nord
Non potrà fermare

Neanche questa nostra stupida canzone d'amore
Che ti ascolti quando piangi mentre fai la doccia
Quando sei da sola
E ti senti bella e ti senti pronta
Per la vita che ti aspetta
Sto tornando, spegni tutto
La Corea del Nord
Non potrà fermare tutto questo

Ed è bello così, anche se poi ti fa piangere
Questa nostra stupida canzone d'amore
Ed è bello così, anche se poi ti fa ridere
Questa nostra stupida canzone d'amore"
I carefully kept my eyes on the guitar while I was singing and only looked up once I had finished.

"This was really beautiful, you're a really good singer and the song is pretty even though I didn't really understand everything but most of it."
"It's basically a love song... nothing special actually but I like it, because it's not like other love songs... You can understand it's something real" I explained "he really can write songs, this singer I mean... you know there's a song he wrote about dr. House and it may sound weird but that's one of my favorites too" I said but cut it short because I had started to speak uncontrollably like I always did when I was embarrassed.
"And you said you didn't like italian music" she joked "I liked it too! What was their name? I need them to practice Italian" she giggled.
"Thegiornalisti" I said and typed it correctly on her phone for her to see it.
"Strange name, mixed English and Italian...?"
"Yeah, they sometimes do it in songs also as for Dr. House and Love" I said.
"Noted" She said and she really did because I saw her typing the titles on her phone.
"Good" I said setting the guitar back on its place.
"Did I mention that you are soooo sexy when you speak Italian?" She said with a smirk.
"Yeah like a hundred times" I said and we both laughed "but I love to hear it" I said sitting back on the sofa and kissing her.

Sorry to make you wait but I've got a lot coming through in my life, such as exams 😭 so I'm really busy studying at the moment, but the good news is I finally got a new phone so I'll try update whenever I can. Hope you liked it and feedbacks are always appreciated. 😘😘
(The video in the chapter's cover is the song that I included in the chapter if anyone wants to give Italian music a chance 😂)

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