I love you, Paulson

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"Hey you... Sylvia... Love, wake up... it's almost lunchtime" Sarah giggled.
"Hey babe... I'm sorry I was really tired, but how are you?" I said putting a hand on her forehead "Babe I'm fine, you don't need to worry" she said holding my hand and kissing it.
"Are you sure? I mean you would tell me if you weren't fine, right?" I asked her.
"Yeah I'm sure, I'm sure" she said biting her lips just before kissing me.
"Uh yeah you're fine, really fine" I said moving her on top of me kissing her deeply "I love you, Sar" I told her in between kisses.
"I love you too, I love you so fucking much" She said deepening the kiss touching my spot under my pants making me breathe heavier "S-Sarah... I have to be at work in an hour" I whispered.
"Hmm, one hour is a lot of time..." She said sliding two fingers inside of me making me gasp. "Oh my God Sarah please" I said crawling my hands under her shirt causing her to shiver. She kept a reasonable rhythm going in and out of me and I quickly reached my highest and almost at the same time my phone rang. What, really? Now?
"I have to answer..." I said trying to catch my breath.
"Hello?" I said as my teacher name appeared on the screen "Yeah I was just getting ready to come, I know I didn't forget... 'Coming" I said closing the call and looking at Sarah she looked really upset and it made me sad too but I couldn't do anything else.
"You have to go" she said but it wasn't a question.
"Yes... I'm sorry Sarah I'll make it up to you I promise" I said kissing her and rushing to the bathroom to get ready.
"Yes, go help someone in need, like superheroes" she chuckled curling again under the blankets.
"I'll let you know when they'll give me a cloak" I said jokingly while getting dressed.
"Rather let me know when they give you a sexy superhero suit" she smirked.
"Uh, nasty" I said placing a kiss on her cheek "goodbye, I love you, have a good good night with the others and don't be too sad I won't be there please, bye I love you" I said placing little kisses on her lips and then rushing out the bedroom and straight to the streets.
"I LOVE YOU TOO" she yelled before I closed the door making me smile.
On my way I texted Michael what our tutor had said and we arrived almost at the same time because we met right in front of the entrance and got in together.
[Sarah's POV]
There! A phone call and she's gone.
Today I really wanted her to be with me, we haven't been together for a long time but we've already experienced things that remind me every day of how much I love her and how much I would like to always be with her.
But my wandering through my thoughts was interrupted by the disturbing sound of a phone ringing. Well MY phone ringing which I had no idea where it was. Following its sound I found it under the sheets, it made me smile, thinking back to that morning so I answered Amanda's call with a dreamy voice "Hey bird" I said.
"Hey! So delighted to hear from me or..." she joked.
"Uhmm yeah let's say so.." I answered vaguely.
"Oh Paulson stop teasing!" She yelled so I had to move away from the phone "morning sex is your thing so?" She asked in uncertain terms.
"it could have been but we were interrupted" I sighed.
"Uuh you were left with nothing, weren't you?"
"This happens when you want to be generous" I joked "but hey we will make up for lost time" I said and smirked at the thought of it.
"Well, you sound more than happy and I could not be more relieved to hear this" she said "oh and now we're talking about it, are you two coming with us tonight?"
"Sylvia is working" I said trying not to get angry about it.
"I forgot" she howled.
"It's okay we're fine though I know she couldn't change it, it just happened" I said more to me than to her.
"Ok so it's not a question anymore, you're coming with us, we're having fun" she sentenced.
"Yeah of course, text me about times and plans." I told Amanda.
"We'll be at your place around 9 pm" she said.
"Okay bird, bye, I love you, say hi to pedro from me" I said.
"Bye bird, we love you too" she said and I smiled at the phone and hung up.
I got off the bed and got ready to meet Lily for lunch, she knew Sylvia wasn't there so knowing my culinary skills were not exactly the best she arranged to eat at a place she knew.
Once I got back home from lunch and a little shopping out with Lily it was already late so I started getting ready, I wore a white shirt made entirely of tight lace and black high-waisted elegant trousers. I combed my hair with soft curls and put a light make up on my eyes to complete with a deep red lipstick. As soon as it was finished I thought about how Sylvia would have dressed if she had been with me and how beautiful she would have been whatever she had worn.
The doorbell shook me from my thoughts just in time and while her image left my mind I opened the door smiling to my friends that had brought dinner.
We had fun together at home dancing, eating and drinking a little, it was a lot of time since we had last seen each other so we had many things to tell. Amanda and Lily asked me quite every little detail of the Christmas holidays with Sylvia in Italy and and I gladly told them about our little mountain adventures, the party with her friends and how she had defended me and our relationship against her ex girlfriend.
"Hey don't ever let her go because this woman really loves you Sarah" Lily said.
"Yeah, I agree she really has shown it at every opportunity. I just hope you love her as much as she does and that you're finally happy bird" Amanda sincerely said.
"Yes I love her, and I am really happy with her. She never fails to make me feel wanted and beautiful and she never took advantage of my work and my popularity, in fact she seems to be avoiding it on purpose because she's only interested in me and who I really am and I couldn't be happier" I said and that surely wasn't all but I couldn't figure out how to explain so many feelings.
"It's beautiful, really Sarah... Now how about going to Times Square just to see if it's too freezing or we can stay" Pedro proposed.
We all seemed to agree but the fact it was almost midnight saddened me a little anyway I tried to distract myself so we all went there with my car. The place was really crowded as always on this occasion and people started to notice us even though we managed to keep our spaces, the music was really loud so we just danced and had fun but as midnight was approaching I felt really nervous, I had texted Sylvia a few times during the day but she would always reply after a very long time, meaning she was busy working. I suddenly thought of doing something that might outcome being a good or either bad idea but I was stubborn so I just texted her: 'Almost New Year's, can i have a prescription for a kiss, doctor? 😭♥️'
I quickly told Amanda were I was going then left the spot we had found and jumped into the car.
[my pov]
My phone beeped but I decided to go out for a while since things seemed to have calmed down a bit. It had been a busy day in particular for the ER, during the holidays there were always many emergencies.
I left from the main exit hoping not to meet anyone on the journey that could have blocked me, I really needed a breath of fresh air.
I had almost forgot to check my phone but when I did and read the cute text Sarah had sent me it made me smile, even though I couldn't be with her she was still thinking of me and that made me feel so blessed to have her. She chose me when she could've had anyone else.
11:58 pm, 31st December.
"My life would never be complete without knowing you Sarah, I wanted to tell you this tonight just now, two minutes before midnight..." i said staring at her chat.
11:59 pm
I sighed deeply even though she wasn't there I wanted to tell her that.
"...so you would have looked at me with that look of someone who doesn't know how special she is, but I'm there to remind you of it because you took my life and colored it like I could have never done. When we first met you said beautiful things about me and my art and I have made you thousands of portraits from then on but you never realized my art only exists because of you"
"So you should really kiss me, we're almost out of time!" I turned around and she was there like a daydream standing in front of me smiling and biting her lower lip. I glanced at the phone one last time. 12:00 pm, 1st January.
I kissed her deeply, not asking her anything, I would never have imagined seeing her there, as proof that she always managed to amaze me and make me feel loved and important to someone.
When I pulled away and opened my eyes I felt like I was awake in my dreams, I cupped her face with my hands, leaning my forehead against hers and inhaling her unique scent I saw she still had her eyes closed and her hands were on mine.
"I told you we would find a way" she whispered.
"You did, you make me the happiest person in this whole wide world, I love you" I said giving her a soft kiss.
"So you really meant the things you were saying..." she said looking into my eyes.
"Did you hear me? I. Love. You. I mean every single word, you're my everything Sarah" as soon as I finished talking she kissed me again passionately.
"Sylvia I have... Oh... I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt anything" as my teacher spoke me and Sarah pulled away quicker than ever.
"You're not... I shouldn't..." I didn't know what to say but hopefully she would have understood.
"It's okay, come to my room when you're done" she severely said showing me an envelope, but I could tell she wasn't angry, she was just... like that.
"Of course, thank you, be there in a minute" I said as she turned around to go back inside "and happy new year professor Lowen" i said and it wasn't anything ironic I really meant it and also at that very moment I was in peace with everyone and everything.
"Happy new year to you both" she said glancing at us with a light concerned smile and disappeared inside.
"I felt like someone who gets caught kissing in school" Sarah chuckled nervously.
"That's almost the same thing, even though I don't give a fuck at this very moment" I said and kissed her again but shorter this time.
"Will you come at my place tomorrow when you're done here?" She said biting her lip.
"Sure if you ask me" I said, then we kissed goodbye and parted.
"That white gown looks damn hot on you anyway" she said walking away to her car while I just chuckled and walked back inside.
"I love you Paulson" I whispered to myself.

Hey everyone, i know i'm late again but not having my phone is slowing my writing a lot because i used to take advantage of every free moment i had to write but this is taking longer since i don't have my phone and I really have to study a lot. I know this is nothing special but I'd love if you gave feedbacks every now and then, it really is very stimulating to go on and write, also if you have suggestions or requests to do feel free to tell me. Thank you for almost 3000 readings, I appreciate that soooo much.  🤩🥰

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