Chapter X

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Beca checked her watch. It was six o'clock. It had been exactly one hour since she got off the phone with Emily. The tiny brunette was standing outside the warehouse with Chicago by her side. His wrists were bound with rope and he had a rag over this mouth. He was twice the size of Beca but the woman had fought off much bigger and tougher men than him and won. She wasn't scared of him. She wasn't scared of anybody. The only thing she was scared of was losing Chloe but she couldn't let that show. She had to focus on the mission. Getting Chloe back safely was her priority - nothing else.

Beca felt like she was waiting out the front of the warehouse for hours until the large, metal roller door lifted and out walked Emily with a tied up Chloe by her side. As soon as Beca saw Chloe, her breathing hitched and her heart broke at the sight of Chloe's tear-stained cheeks. It took everything in Beca not to reach for her hidden gun that was tucked in the back of her pants and shoot Emily. Yes, they had been dating for years but all of that went out of the window as soon as Beca found out the truth about the woman, especially when she found out that she had kidnapped Chloe.

"Beca," Emily smiled. "Good to see you again."

"Hand her over, Emily," Beca snapped.

"In a hurry are you?"

"Give her back. I've got Chicago. Now give me Chloe."

"You mean the woman you left me for?"

"You never loved me, Emily, so why do you care?"

"I don't. I'm just curious. I love how you used the lie of that you weren't happy to break up with me instead of telling me the truth. I'm surprised that you didn't say, "it's not you, it's me"!"

"Stop playing games, Emily. I've had enough of them. You played me, so well done to you. But now it's over. Give me Chloe. We had a deal."

"You never were fun, were you, Beca?"

"Emily," Beca growled.

"Fine," she huffed. "Here," Emily pushed Chloe forward. "Now, Chicago,"

Beca released the man and caught Chloe in her arms once the redhead reached her. Beca quickly untied the woman.

"Chlo, are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine."

"Did she hurt you?"

"No, she didn't hurt- ah!" Chloe screamed and Beca jolted when she heard a loud noise.

Chloe looked down as did Beca and saw blood seeping from Chloe's left side. Beca looked behind the woman and saw Emily lowering her gun.

"You win some, you lose some. Thanks for the exchange, Beca!" Emily smiled.

Beca was about to scream at the woman but Chloe fell to her knees, making Beca fall with her.

"Chlo, stay with me, baby. Stay with me!" Beca put pressure on Chloe's wound. "Code Red! Code Red!" Beca yelled and just like that, a swarm of FBI agents swarmed the warehouse but they were met with a bunch of drug dealers.

"Shit!" Beca grabbed Chloe and moved her out of the line of fire.

"Ow! Becs!" Chloe collapsed.

"Shit! Chloe!" Beca put both of her hands on Chloe's wound when the redhead was lying on her back. "Stay with me, Chlo baby. Stay with me!"

"It hurts, Beca..."

"I know it does, baby. I know. Put pressure on it with me, come on."

Chloe put her hands where Beca's were and pushed as much as she could.

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