Chapter I

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Beca Mitchell was at the top of her field in the FBI. Special Agent Beca Mitchell was her name and it was well earnt. There were countless missions where the tiny brunette risked her life for the sake of the mission. She may have been small but she sure knew how to fight and look after herself as well as her colleagues and civilians. If you were ever sent out on a mission, you would want to be partnered with Beca Mitchell. Beca was so good at what she did she was always the first preference when really difficult or dangerous missions surfaced within the FBI. However, the latest mission Beca was given was different from all the rest. Not because it was out of the ordinary. No, Beca had done drug busts hundreds of times but this one was different because this is where Beca felt like she let the whole FBI down. During the bust, Beca and her team underestimated the drug dealers who had backup surrounding the warehouse and through her best efforts, Beca wasn't able to save one of her partners and her best friend - Jesse Swanson.

The two had been the best of friends ever since they left high school and joined the FBI together. The process was long and tough but the two of them got in and were partnered for their first mission, which happened to be a drug bust. Twelve years down the track and Beca felt like she failed as a Special Agent and failed the FBI. Beca was used to people dying in the field but she wasn't used to Jesse's death. The two had grown up together. Beca knew him since he was a boy. They used to go to each other's houses after school and play video games and collaborate on music together since they were both very passionate about music. Jesse was more interested in movies than music and they wanted to pursue something with their passions but they both agreed that they needed to do something in the meantime while they worked towards their dreams. However, the FBI stole their lives for the better but now, Beca wasn't so sure about that anymore.

Jesse was gone and Beca fell into a deep depression because of it. She was granted leave but she was checked up on regularly by her workmates and her doctor. It was a hard six months and Beca felt like it was only going to get worse for her until Chief Abernathy called Beca back to the Bureau. Beca was reluctant to go, which was extremely un-Beca. The brunette was practically married to her job. She never thought that she would love working for the FBI so much but she did but her depression was so strong that she didn't even want to go into work after six months of being away. However, with the help of her workmates and friends, Beca was able to leave her house and head into the Bureau, which was harder than she thought it would have been. The last time Beca was at the Bureau was to commemorate Jesse. Memories of the ceremony came flashing back to Beca and it took everything in the brunette not to fall into a heap.

Beca made her way to Chief Abernathy's office, which was on one of the top floors. Beca knocked on the door and was allowed entry immediately.

"Beca!" She smiled. "It's so good to see you again!"

"Hi, Gail," Beca allowed the blonde to give her a hug, which was something Beca wasn't fond of but she didn't detest.

"I know how you're feeling but... how are you feeling?" She asked once she pulled away.

"I've been better. What did you want to speak to me about?" Beca sat when Gail did.

"Well, Beca, I'm not going to beat around the bush - I have a case for you."

Beca's blood went cold when she said it.

"I appreciate it, Chief, but I'm not ready yet. I don't know how long until I will be ready again."

"I know, Beca, and I know that this is hard for you. Just coming to this building would have been hard."

"Like you wouldn't believe..."

Chief Abernathy looked at Beca's glum expression and sighed. "Jesse's death wasn't your fault, Beca."

"Of course it was. Who else's would it have been?" She snapped.

"The drug dealers. They are the ones that shot at him."

"It was my job to keep him safe and I failed. Twelve years I managed to keep everyone I worked with safe but not this time. I failed. I failed as a Special Agent and I failed as a friend... I don't deserve the rank of Special Agent anymore."

"Don't say that, Beca - you DO deserve it. Casualties are just part of this business."

"Just part of it?" Beca frowned. "Is that what you think? You think Jesse dying is just part of business?"

"No, that's not what I meant."

"Then what did you mean?" Beca said, trying hard not to cry even though she was on the verge of tears.

Chief Abernathy sighed softly. "Let me start again... I understand that this is hard for you but what happened to Jesse wasn't your fault. We all know the risks when we send a team out on a mission... and sometimes... things don't go as planned but we do what we can with the situation we find ourselves in."

Beca looked down at her hands and played with her fingers. It was still hard talking about Jesse. It felt like it all happened yesterday for Beca. She hoped that after a long six months that she'd feel different but she didn't and that was hard. Beca hated being depressed. She hated feeling worthless. She hated all of it and even though she wasn't ready to go back to work, she knew deep down that it was the best thing for her.

"So," Beca uttered. "What's the mission?"

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