Chapter II

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The Purple Pony wasn't the most glamorous name for a strip club but it sure did give a good paycheck at the end of the week and then some. Chloe Beale was a full-time worker at The Purple Pony and she just happened to be one of the clubs best dancers. Chloe worked five days a week and by the end of it, she always had a smile on her face. Not because she loved her job. Don't get Chloe wrong, she made a good group of friends at The Purple Pony but she didn't like men looking at her as if she were some piece of meat or a sex toy. Chloe had a big smile on her face at the end of the week because of her paycheck. The Purple Pony gave Chloe good money for what she did and since Chloe was the best dancer, she got more than the other dancers. Chloe was happy with the money she got but she wasn't happy overall.

Becoming a stripper wasn't Chloe's dream. It began as a part-time job for the redhead so she could support herself. She lived in her apartment with her best friend Aubrey who was in the process of moving into her girlfriend Stacie's apartment. The two had been dating since college but Aubrey wanted to take things slow and after years, the blonde was finally prepared to move in with the leggy brunette who was over the moon. Chloe was happy for her best friend but it was hard since Chloe needed to earn double what she was getting as a check-out chick. Chloe eventually stumbled across The Purple Pony and because of her dancing experience in college, the redhead was snatched up quickly and she soon became the clubs best dancer.

It was Saturday night - the busiest night at the club since men would come for a bachelor party or come to forget about their week. Friday nights were busy, too, since most men came straight after work to relax an unwind but it was nothing like Saturday. Saturday was also Chloe's busiest night since everyone wanted to see the gorgeous redhead strut her stuff. Chloe was the only natural redhead in the club and she was also the most beautiful. All of the other women were beautiful, too, but none of them compared to Chloe Beale.

During her shift, Chloe came off the stage after dancing to her favourite song, Titanium. Chloe never admitted it to anybody but that song was her jam - her lady jam to be precise. It was a good song to dance to and a good stress relief whenever Chloe was feeling tension. Chloe hadn't been in a relationship since college and it was tough but the redhead was so busy with her job she didn't have the time or energy to look for partners. Not to mention that if she ever did find somebody she liked, they would have been put off due to Chloe's job. So Chloe just didn't bother. It saved her time and the heartache if she got rejected. Chloe didn't like being alone but she always had Aubrey but now that was different. Aubrey was currently in the process of buying a house with Stacie who was now her fiancèe. Again, Chloe was happy for her best friend but it made Chloe realise that she was yet to find somebody. Chloe tried not to think about it too much but when she came home to an empty apartment, the redhead couldn't help but get lonely.

When Chloe walked off the stage, she talked with her fellow dancers before heading into the back to get changed into a fresh bra set. However, when Chloe was in the change rooms, she heard something outside of her room. The redhead tried to ignore it but the sound got louder and Chloe eventually made it out to be a conversation of sorts, which quickly escalated into an argument. Chloe knew it was none of her business but it sounded like her boss was getting yelled at, which made the woman concerned. Her boss Tony was a good guy and she never knew him to have issues with people. Tony's office was next to the change rooms but it was hard to hear anything through the walls because of the loud music coming from the main part of the club. However, the argument was louder, which made Chloe worry.

The redhead made her way to Tony's office and peeked through the gap in the door and Chloe was horrified to see the sight in front of her. Tony was sitting at his desk surrounded by men who looked angry beyond words. It looked like they were interrogating the club owner. The men were telling Tony about how the man owed them money but Tony kept telling them that he paid his debts, so the club was no longer theirs. However, the men felt differently, especially one man in particular who pointed a gun at Tony's head and fired, sending his brains all over the office wall. Chloe gasped in horror but the gasp was too loud, causing the murderer to turn around and see Chloe watching. Chloe quickly ducked behind the door but began to run as soon as she heard the man tell his colleagues to grab her.

Chloe ran as fast as she could out of the club. She took the back exit and jumped straight into her car. However, Chloe's car had trouble starting. Chloe cursed loudly and looked in her rear vision mirror to see the men run towards her. Chloe's heart pounded like a drum and Chloe felt sick to her stomach and just when she thought all was over, her car started and she was able to drive away, seconds before the men reached her.

"FUCK!" One man said as he watched Chloe drive away.

"Fuck!" Chloe screeched as she saw the men behind her grow smaller and smaller in her mirror. "Fuck..." Chloe uttered then let her tears flow.

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