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Riku's p.o.v.

This day's been depressing on more than one way. The entire day was leading up to the shroud burning. I for one never want to attend another ever again if I can help it, but I owed Beckendorf and Lestra if it hadn't been for them none of us would still be alive. You could tell how there deaths affected the entire camp it was like they lost their anchors that held them together. I returned to the library to do some reading.

I found a few books on keyblade powers and a book on the various rings of power.They explained a few things which I didn't know about already and a bit more. I must have spent about an hour in there before Annabeth came to find me. "So this is where you where we thought you disappeared with Chris, Harry and Percy."  She stated

"Disappeared?" I asked

"Yeah no ones seen them since the shroud burning. I thought that you would know where they are or at least be with them, but Van is still here and we have no idea as to where they are." Annabeth said

This was looking to be very bad.

Chris's p.o.v.

Let me catch you up on what is going on right now very quickly.

- We went to the arena and let the dogs out

- We then ran into the forest and ran across Juniper Grover's girlfriend, one of the council of cloven elders, Nico, Nia, and Nigel

- We had a talk/ fight about Grover's sentence

- We then shadow traveled to the homes of Luke, Lia, and Leonel.

- we got some information from a creepy lady and man.

- we then meet Hestia the godess of the hearth and home

- we had a talk with our parents/ guardians and after much convincing we got there blessings to do what needed to be done

Which leads us to the now in Central Park in front of a bunch of boulders. Which was the closest passage way into the underworld. The last time we entered the Underworld was to find Hades's sword and that was with Sora. Memories. Percy had to us his empathy link with Grover to find him which didn't take long. With his help we managed to get into the underworld passageway that was made by Orphius when he traveled to the underworld to revive his wife and he failed. The lesson here never go into the underworld in hopes of saving someone from death it always ends up badly for everyone. Case in point, Meg.

Once we got to the end of the tunnel we had to stop Mrs. O' Leary from mating with Cerberus, that wasn't fun. Then it turns out that they traded us for information about their parents. We where then trapped in the dungeons of the castle for who knows how long then the traitors freed us and we went for a dip into the River Styx. I focused on my right side of my hip which was protected by armor and a weapon there whenever I fought. My plan was to walk into the river like a warrior, but the second I entered my legs turned to Jello. I crashed into the water and I re-experienced drowning. I saw my life flash before my eyes which was terrifying in itself. I saw my brothers, dad, Grover, Sora, Aqua, Terra, Ventus, Roxas, Axel, Xion, Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Kairi, Namine, Vanitas, and everyone else I met throughout my travels. But then just as I was about to dissolve I felt a tug on my side. I looked up  and I was back on the Destiny Islands. Riku was on the docks and holding a rope of some kind in his hands. He was laughing. "Come on Silver-wind" He laughed

He drew me closer to the docks. Once I was close he put out his hand for me to grasp a hold of. I reached out for it and the second our hands touched, I was spit out of the river. I was tossed ashore onto the sand. I heaved several breaths while I regained my bearings. "Chris! Oh my gods Your skin it's red!" Nia shouted

Sure enough it looked like my skin had been rubbed raw. But the redness faded after a few minutes. During that time I looked around the shore to see if Riku really was here or not. Coming to the conclusion that he wasn't here, I then stood up and summoned my armor on to my body. I needed to wear it at all times now or else we all know what would happen. Not two minutes later the horns of the underworld sounded. Hades arrive driving a chariot of un-dead horses wearing a cloak of all the tortured souls on his cloak. He was accompanied by a mismash of various dead warriors.

For the record he attacked us first not the other way around. Once he was gone I sent Nia and Nigel to work on their mother to convince her to join in the war effort. Nico was given the same task with his father. With that Percy, Harry, and I returned to the land of the living.


Authors note; If anyone could draw up a picture of the following people together and come up with a picture for Chris, that would be great.  It will be placed in the big house with all the other pictures.

Needs to include:
















& Goofy

Thank you :)

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