Shenanigans: A Day with Team Dragon

Beginne am Anfang

Ryo: Can't Issei just summon you out in a big or small chibi form

Ddarig: ...Partner

Issei: On it!

Issei then creates a red magic circle on is shoulder and summons a chibi version of Issei on his shoulder

Ddraig: ...Really

Issei: You want to go back

Ophis: Those two have a fun relationship

Riser: *Nods in agreement*


The whole team stops what they were doing and looks behind them to see Baraqiel Himejima walking towards the group, and he does not look happy

As much as I would want to welcome you back we need to discuss something *holds out paper in his hand*

Team Dragon: *Confused* What's that

Baraqiel: Oh this, well *lets paper drop to reveal a huge piece of paper long enough to go out the door filled with writing* Lets see, prices for DAMAGE OF PROPERTY!

Riser: *Snorts* So what, its just a bit a property damage, nothing too major

Baraqiel: Nothing major huh. Well get this YOU DESTROYED HALF OF THE WHOLE ISLAND! Lets see what witnesses say they saw. They reported on *reading from list* Excessive wind storms and tornado's

At this Issei rubs the back of his head nervously

Baraqiel: Great wildfires spread across whole forests

At this statement Riser and Kunou looks away with crossed arms, Ravel looks down in shame a little, and Maria just plays with some fir in her hands ignoring Baraqiel's statement

Baraqiel: Massive tsunami's

At this, Rossweisse blushes in embarrassment and looks down to help people avoid it...minus Riser who stares and blushes a bit from how cute his crush looked 

Baraqiel: Lightning shooting everywhere along with energy slashes

At this, Ryo only tch's and crosses his arms

Baraqiel: Ice coming from the oceans and from under the ground

At this, Millicas looks everywhere but Baraqiel

Baraqiel: And what really puts the frosting on this cake, two dragons! One red and one purple one made of energy shooting ENERGY BLASTS AT THE GROUND!

At this, Ddraig only scoffs while Ophis stares blankly at Baraqiel

Ophis: I don't see the problem

Baraqiel: You don't see the problem. The problem is that the devils still haven't recovered from Sin War and the attack Rizevim Lucifer had on the underworld with Lilth and his army of evil dragons. On top of that we have a masked man and said Lilith somewhere in the world planning to destroy the supernatural world as we know it. These are the main reasons I , a fallen angel, had to get involved with you guys and hell to make sure the balance isn't disrupted

Ophis: *Not paying attention but is looking at the shiny jewel they gotten earlier*

Baraqiel: ...She's seriously ignoring me *looks at Millicas* Any you, aren't you the current Lucifer. You should've prevented all of this from happening

Millicas: *Looks down*

Issei: Hey Baraqiel lay off the poor kid. Its not like he's entirely at fault here, we've all done something on that island that caused half of it to be destroyed

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: May 14, 2019 ⏰

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