Chapter 10 - Bad Omen 🌀

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Lucas's POV 🔮

As me and my friends had all of our classes done, the bell chimed, confirming that it was now time to head home.

After we dropped Kunzite and Shion off at their homes, me and my girlfriend May continued heading on our way home to my house.

As we got inside, I suddenly shuddered a little bit, thinking that someone was watching me. But, when I looked over my shoulder, no one was there.

-Around nighttime-

As me and my girlfriend, May, were sitting at the couch, eating dinner and watching TV, I heard a knock at the door.

"I'll get it..." I said to May as I got up and headed over to the door.

As I opened it, I peeked out and looked around. No one was there.

"Hm...Strange." I thought to myself as I shutted the door and then headed over as I sat back down at the couch, next to May.

"No one was at the door..." I said to May as she looked at me, questionly.

"Oh...Okay. Can you hand me that bag of chips, please?" May asked me.

I smiled at May, reaching over for the bag of chips, only...As I did that, the plate next to the bag of chips suddenly cracked by itself.

Without me even touching it!

I looked at May in shock.

"Did you see that?!" I asked May. She nodded.

"Yeah, I saw that..." May replied, looking a little bit frightened.

"Even though I'm not superstitious...... It's a bad omen..." I said.

May nodded.

Then the lights started flickering as the TV suddenly went static before the power went out.

"What the - - ?!" I began.

Then I looked around for a sec as I got up from the couch, searching for the flashlight in the pitch black room, before I suddenly shrieked, seeing a pair of glowing red eyes staring back at me, in the dark.

Almost as if they were looking into my soul.

I pointed the flashlight at where I saw the red eyes, and the red eyes belonged to a little female Riolu.

"Beware my friend.....Danger is coming in your way soon." She said as she pointed at me before vanishing after the lights flickered before turning back on again.

Me and May started freaking out.

"This is a really bad omen, May! And I absolutely know exactly what the Riolu was talking about....And she's not lying!!!" I said to May while panicking.

May looks at me, freaked out too, and nods her head in agreement.

We know what's gonna happen next tomorrow. And I can smell (along with feeling) it from what Inkishaku's lusting for.........

My death.

In a very painful matter.

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