The Last Day

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Today is the last day I know that I am going to see Mark. It is my last day working in his building and our final is today. After today, I will be free! I might see him around but at least I can avoid him easily by leaving as soon as possible. I can do this! I prayed to God last night to give me the strength I need to get through today. 

Just finished having class with him. Oh! And I found out something! He smokes! Cigarettes of all things! He smoked one as soon as he left the building. Who at our age still smoke cigarettes besides the international students?! If it weren't for the sex disagreement, we probably would've broken up over his smoking habit. It's not that I frown upon people who smoke, I just hate the smell. Many of my relatives smoked and I have always hated it. Living in China for over month made me hate smoking even more! It's funny because I never smelled a hint of smoke off of him. He doesn't have a sense of smell so how is he good at keeping the stench off of him?! Hmm.. Anyways! A weight has been lifted. I feel less attracted to him now that I know he smokes. 

I am still worried that Alex will visit him tonight. I'm ok with seeing her, I just don't want to see them together. Why do I still care? He smokes for God's sake! I should feel disgusted by him. But is it wrong that I still kind of like him?! You're probably yelling at me right now, aren't you?! Get over yourself girl! He ain't worth it! The rational part of me completely agrees with you! But there's still that part of me that still likes him! Oof! Is it summer yet?! Maybe with some extreme distance and time, I will be able to get over him just like the other guys that I've liked in the past.

Whew! At least I finished my exams! I feel like I totally failed one of them but hopefully my overall grade will be a C. Pray for me ya'll! That's a fucking hard class, bro! As soon as I arrive to the booth, I'm going to check the sign in sheet! I pray that she won't be there! Not much time left until I have to leave to go to work! What do you think will happen? Take about two seconds to think it over, then keep reading.

Just checked the sign in sheet and... drumroll please... SHE'S NOT HERE! Praise Him! Won't he do it?! Now if it could stay that way for the rest of my shift, that'd be great! I'm so close to being free! I haven't felt this happy in a while! 

She never came! At least not while I was there. He walked by the booth and waved. I think he only waved because he saw that I was watching Mad Men. Well, he's gone! And by gone I mean that I do not have to see him against my will anymore. Ya girl is finally free! Let's hope that things will only get better from here.

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