The Party

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The day of the "not-so surprise" party has arrived. I had so much stuff I needed to do. I had to go to my mentor training, turn in my housing extension paper, get my hair done, and get dressed. I really hated that there was a thunderstorm that day of all days! God must hate me for something. What did I do?! I haven't done anything wrong!

I was in my room at around 6pm. I just finished getting dressed and putting on my makeup. I wondered who will be taking me to the party. I already knew where it was. I decided to watch some Youtube videos to distract myself. I then heard a knock on my door. It must be my "kidnapper". I looked through the peephole. It's Mark?! I opened the door.

"Hey!", I said.

"Hey!", he replied.

"Are you my kidnapper?", I said while giggling.

"I don't know what you're talking about. But do you want to head over to Constitution Hall for no reason?"

"Sure. I just need to put on my shoes." I closed the door and gathered my things and put on my shoes. Once I had everything, I walked out the door and waited for the elevator with him. While we were waiting, he noticed that I was wearing heels. I never wear heels. But it was a special night and I wanted to look my best! He pointed out that we were the same height. This is important. I'm 5'8.3 without heels. He's about 6 foot or 6'2 at the tallest. So the fact that he's as tall as me while I'm in heels was a huge plus. Too bad we aren't a thing anymore. 

We arrived to my "surprise" party. There wasn't many people there. But at least my close friends were there. There was food and cake. Alisa even got me shrimp! I love shrimp! I try to make that clear to everyone that I meet. I played some music off of my laptop and was chatting with everyone that came. At one point, I was talking with Mark and Amanda. Then, my best friend since my freshman year, Zaiden, came in. I jumped up and ran over to hug him. It's been so long since I last saw him. I didn't think he would come, but he did! After I opened his present he got for me, we sat and talked for a while. While we were talking, Alisa came over to me with a dilemma. 

"So, Pia and her friends don't have their IDs with them so they can't sign in. I was thinking that we could move the party to the Student Center and have it there."

"I guess we have no choice", I said with slight disappointment. I said bye to Zaiden since he had to go to an event for his fraternity. I helped with packing up everything and taking it downstairs to the lobby. Throughout packing and bring things down, I would talk with Mark. Once everything was packed up into three peoples' cars, everyone piled in except for me and Mark. We decided to walk since the student center isn't far from the dorm hall that we were in. 

"Are you enjoying the party so far?", I asked him.

"Yeah. It's funny that the location changed yet again, while the party is in progress!", he replied.

"I know. But it's not Alisa's fault. It's Pia's!" We arrived to the student center and put our stuff down. I spent most of my time talking to everyone else but Mark. Mark mingled with other people. Eventually one of my friends wanted to go to this 18+ bar/club near campus. I asked if I could come too because I really wanted to drink and get drunk! My plan for the whole night was to get drunk. I felt like I couldn't handle Mark while sober. Me, Ryan, Mark, and some other people left the student center to go to the club. 

While at the club, I was with Mark and Ryan. At a certain point, Mark moved away and I saw him on the other side of the club talking to someone. I assumed it was some girl but I couldn't see. The club was packed and people kept bumping into to me, triggering my crowd anxiety. So, I left. Ryan walked me back to campus and then went back to the club. I spent the rest of my night with the others who stayed behind. We moved the party to Pia's house. We brought the alcohol that one of my friends brought over.

As soon as I entered into the house, I immediately got a cup and poured some soju. My friend brought three different flavors. I tried all three flavors: peach, grapefruit, and green grape. Grapefruit was my favorite so I stuck with that one. She also brought some rice wine. I didn't like it that much but I eventually drank more of it later in the night. 

Since I didn't eat much, the soju hit me harder than it should've. Ryan eventually came over and joined us. He was pretty drunk already and so was I. When he came someone asked where's Mark. Ryan said that Mark left the club with some girl. This drove me to drink more. At a certain point, I started ranting about Mark. I started crying. My friends hugged me. 

"Can someone go punch Mark in the face for me?", I asked. Two of my friends said that they would kick him in the balls for me. 

"Yes! Do it! Because he doesn't deserve to reproduce!", I yelled. 

"Don't worry about that jerk! You deserve better!", Ryan said. Everyone around me was comforting me. After crying, I laughed and sang and danced a bit. I had this urge to text Mark. I wanted to send him a long paragraph essentially yelling at him and telling him that he hurt me and that I want to punch him. Luckily there was a small rational part of me that told Alisa to take away my phone. 

Eventually, Alisa and my other friend helped me and Ryan get back to our dorms. We all walked a bit before going to our dorms. Alisa was arm-in-arm with me to guide me while walking. I was ranting about Mark some more. Mostly about the whole sex disagreement thing. I don't even know what to call it but ya'll know what I'm talking about! I eventually made it back to my room safe and sound. 

While in bed, my drunk ass started talking to myself. Despite being drunk, I was quite rational. I decided to delete my texts to Mark. I was tempted to delete him out of my contacts, but I didn't have the heart to do it. While talking to myself, I came to the realization that I couldn't be friends with Mark. He has caused me so much emotional distress. I still had too many feelings for him to only be his friend. Staying friends with him wasn't healthy for me. I had to let him go for good.

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