Chapter 8

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Bella was a natural and within five minutes she had French braided my hair as promised. She inspected her handiwork thoroughly and finally smiled when she was satisfied. “You look very pretty, Em,” she said enthusiastically and handed me a hand mirror. I had to admit that this hairstyle looks good on me. My features were more discernible. I usually left my hair loose but maybe I could try a French plait once in a while.

“ You look much better when you braid or put your hair up. It brings your features into focus. I watch YouTube videos, you know,” she elaborated as she gave my outfit the once-over. She quickly ran to my closest and started going through my clothes. She pulled out a striped top and a denim skirt and placed it on my bed. “Here's your outfit for the day,” she said with a flourish. When I remained seated and raised an eyebrow, she pouted. “It goes with the braid. Pretty please?”

I sighed and got up to get changed. This is what happens when you ask your little sister for a favour. She's at the age where she's losing interest in her Barbie dolls; maybe she thinks that I can be a good substitute?

I dropped her off at her school before heading to mine. It was just a couple of blocks away. The day was a busy one with pop quizzes and lab work. I was relieved to make it to the last class of the day, which happened to be Lit. I did manage to message Austin in between classes and it went something like this.

Nope. Just you. I hope that I'm the only guy you're messaging anonymously?

Of course! I really don't have the time to message multiple boys 🤷

Good. Makes me feel special :p

Narcissistic, much? :P

Nah, just curious :p

You're turning out to be  very curious!


Mrs. Carroway had a little assignment for us. We had to write a paper on the life and works of any author of our choice. And it had to be done in groups of two. She gave us five minutes to partner up and submit the final list of names. I was just about to ask Sarah if she wanted to be partners when someone walked up to me.

“ Hey! Would you like to partner up?” Austin asked me with a small smile playing about his lips.

I was blushing like crazy as I nodded my head and said yes.

“ Meet me after school in the parking lot.” He gave me a smile before sauntering off.

I was blushing furiously as I got back to my seat. I wanted the class to just get over soon but at the same time I was shit scared of being with Austin alone. What if I completely turned him off with my awkwardness and made him regret ever partnering up with me? But he was the one who approached me. I consoled myself with this thought and decided that I would be casual and friendly with him, like I would be with any other person.

I was leaning against my car and reading a book while waiting for him. I always carried a novel with me for this exact purpose. I hated waiting. Be it in line for my order at McDonald's or waiting in the parking lot for my crush to turn up. Abby had long since left after I filled her in on my to-be extravaganza of an evening. In fact, there were only a handful of vehicles still parked. I looked over at where his silver Volvo was parked every few minutes to make sure that he was still in the school premises. I got back to my reading and decided to patiently wait for him. It wasn't long before my book was snatched from me.

“Bridget Jones's Diary. Sounds interesting. Would you recommend reading it?”. He was standing right in front me. If he leaned in a little, our noses would touch. My heart was doing somersaults and I was scared of what I might do if he continued looking at me like that. He was so perfect!

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