Chapter 4

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The music was blaringly loud as we got out of the car. It felt as though it was pouring out of every crevice and pore of the house; or maybe it was just my super sensitive hearing. Anyways I had my head on straight. Abby had briefed me about the quintessential teenage party. Your regular annoyingly loud music, booze, people dancing… yada yada.. the regular stuff. It didn't seem that scary and I was starting to think that I could definitely wing it and come out as a proud survivor. I just had to stick with Abby and all would be well.

Abby had even dressed me and she had an amazing sense of style. At the very least I knew that I wouldn't stick out like a sore thumb (not on account of my clothes at least). She wanted to go all out since it was my first high school party but I was able to curb her enthusiasm a little. I was wearing a plain black long-sleeved turtleneck top  with a cute little grey skirt. It was the shortest skirt I'd ever worn but it looked great when paired with a pair of stockings. A pair of my usual black ballet shoes and a tiny suede bag completed the look. The outfit was comfortable and not too different from what I generally wore to make me feel uncomfortable. Abby had added slight curls to my otherwise straight hair. My make-up included liner and a touch of gloss. We decided to keep it simple and I was pleased with the final result. My best friend really was a genius!

My carefully thought out plan for the evening flew out the window within a half hour of being at the party. Abby and I were just chilling with Nick's friends. They were actually quite funny and since they knew that it was my first party in a long time, they were trying to make me feel comfortable. I really appreciated it and decided that I would try to be more social with them from then on. Everyone was drinking and having a good time. Even though I stuck with lemonade, I offered to get a couple of beers from kitchen for the rest of them. I could find only two beers in the cooler. I had to resort to looking through  the refrigerator to find the drinks my companions were so fond of.

“The drinks usually run out within the first hour or so. You won't find any more in there.”

I recognized that voice before I even turned around and peered into those incredibly blue eyes. I couldn't have moved even if I wanted to. People say that eyes are the windows to the soul; Austin's always seemed to have a strange hold over me. He could make me his puppet with his eyes alone. I tried to snap out of it by forcing myself to remember what a jerk he had been to me!

“ Oh.. Thanks for that. I'll keep this in mind for any future parties I might attend.” I mumbled as I made to head out of the kitchen and out of his way.

“But I'm pretty sure that Blake kept a few bottles down in the cellar. I was going to get some for myself. You can help yourself too.”  He shrugged like it was no big deal.

When he put it like that I had no option but to follow him downstairs. I couldn't refuse without seeming rude. He led the way into the cellar downstairs and switched on the light. I tried not to stare at him. Who was I kidding? I just hoped I wasn't  being too obvious. Jerk or not, he looked ridiculously good!! He was dressed casually; red polo, dark blue jeans and vans. His physique was drool worthy as if his face wasn't distracting enough! I so badly wanted to run my fingers through his curls. I quickly looked around the room so that he wouldn't catch me staring. It was a sight to behold. There were shelves of fancy liquor bottles all neatly labelled and placed. I was impressed.

“Sweet, right? Blake's dad loves to collect vintage bottles as you can see by this extensive collection. Blake got quite an earful this is one time he tried to sneak in a bottle.”

I don't know why I was always so tongue-tied and awkward around him! I didn't say anything. Great! Now he probably thinks that I don't possess the minimum number of brain cells required to carry out a conversation like a normal person. Wait a minute! Why was I even stressing out? Austin doesn't know that it was me texting him and we've never had the kind of relationship where we made small talk. He probably doesn't even know my name! He took out beer bottles from a cooler by the door and handed me a couple. We made our way upstairs with our hands full. He placed his share of the bottles on the counter and leaned against it with his hands crossed. I turned around to see him looking at me with his eyebrows raised.

“ Yes, Austin?” I felt self-conscious. Maybe my dumbass managed to get something on my face!!

“I've never seen you at a party before. Somehow I never thought you'd be the kind to party and booze.”

“ I don't, usually. It's not my cup of tea but I've decided to live a little. High school years are supposed to be the best years of your life. Better to have no regrets.”

Austin had already unscrewed the cap of his beer bottle. He raised his bottle towards me. “To no regrets” and took a swig. I raised my glass of lemonade and did the same. His eyes lingered on my choice of drink but he made no comment. He started to head back to his friends but turned around at the door. “ You should attend more parties. It would be cool to see you around.” He gave a lopsided grin and left. I swear that I turned into a puddle right then and there. That grin would be my undoing.

I returned with the drinks and passed them around. The rest of the party passed in a daze. I spoke to people without registering much of what they said. I was on cloud nine. That one encounter with Austin made me so excited and happy that I actually enjoyed the party. My eyes kept constantly searching him out reflexively. He was with his friends, playing pool and having a good time. I smiled at that. I tried not to get jealous of the girls who surrounded him and kept vying for his attention. Some discreetly and some not so much. But he treated everyone the same so it was hard to say if he was interested in anyone.

“ Try not to eat him up with your eyes, okay?” Abby whispered in my ears. I turned beetroot red and stuck my tongue out at her. “ You're the one who encouraged me to come. You can't be picky about who I pine over now.” She laughed and blew me a kiss.

It was around midnight when we decided to leave the party and Nick and Abby offered to drop me home. I looked around hoping to catch a glimpse of Austin before we left. As I scanned the room, my eyes collided with a pair of now familiar blue eyes. He was looking straight at me! Eeeeeppp! My heart was thudding as I quickly averted my eyes and made my way out of the house. I could feel his eyes on me the entire time. I don't know what happened whenever I was around him. It was this giddy, tense feeling in my tummy whenever he looked at me that I couldn't make sense of. Maybe I was finally losing it!

Nick dropped me home. Abby got out of the car along me with. She hugged me tight and pulled my cheeks. “See? It wasn't so bad, was it? I'm so proud of you for getting out of your comfort zone. Bye Em” She gave me a kiss and sauntered back to the car. I laughed out loud. She was my crazy, adorable best friend and I loved her so much.

I tossed and turned under my comfy panda comforter. I was even wearing my favorite pink Powerpuff Girls nightgown but sleep evaded me. Austin Waters, what have you done to me?! The whole encounter with Austin at the party had left me very confused. I finally felt like things were going somewhere. Now that I knew what texting and talking to him made me feel like, I wanted to keep doing it. Without giving it too much I reached for my phone on the bedside table and sent him an email.

Hope the party was fun for you. Goodnight Austin! :)

My phone pinged just as I fell into a deep, exhausted sleep.

Yeah, I did. I think you did too. Goodnight, Mystery Girl!

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