Chapter 3

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I flopped onto my bed as soon as I reached my room. The day was tiring and too much excitement wasn't good for my nerves. I let my mind wander and day dream about Austin. He was soon becoming my drug and waiting for his texts added colour and excitement to my otherwise sheltered life. I took out my phone and checked for any messages. My self control had only lasted until I was in my car and I had eagerly opened the unread message.

I suspected as much. So are you coming to Blake's party tomorrow?

I still don't know what had prompted me to reply the way I did. Before I knew it I had sent the message and there was no way of taking it back.

Do you want me to?

I held my breath as I waited for a reply. I had it as soon as I reached home and had just unlocked the front door.

Yeah! Do you not attend parties generally?

I could have hit myself for that. Who knew the boy could be so perceptive? I hastened to let him know that I wasn't completely anti-social even though I had put my feet down a few years ago and wouldn't let Abbey drag me to any more parties. I didn't want him to figure out who I was unless I was ready. If  I would ever be ready for that.

You'll see me there even if you won't realise it's me!

My phone pinged immediately. I guess he was done with practice.

Should we colour co-ordinate our clothes or something? I know that chicks dig those kind of things ;)

I couldn't help blushing at that. I was a sucker for romantic movies and day dreamed about going to parties with my boyfriend in college. I figured that I was the kind of person who blossomed in college. I never dreamed that I would one day flirt with Austin but it was actually kind of fun.

Isn't that going a little too fast?

I took out my books to get started with my homework when I got a message.

I don't think the rules apply since this isn't exactly conventional. Anyways I have to go now. Talk to you later?


I felt uneasy knowing that I was being so deceptive. What if all this was a complete waste of his and my time? I pushed the thought away as I focused on my homework. After all no one was forcing him to respond. He was doing it of his own free will. I texted Abbey letting her know that I would be attending Blake's party this weekend and that I needed her help in getting ready.
I got an enthusiastic reply from her.

Eeeee! I can't believe that you actually want to attend a party! I'm so proud of you. I'm sure that it has something to do with a certain Adonis look alike. Don't worry, I'll make sure you look hot as hell!! ❤

I giggled at that. She sure got up the excitement quotient for the party. Satisfied that I had completed everything on my to-do list for the day, I was in bed in my bunny pyjamas reading a crime novel when I got an email from Austin.

Hey, are you up?

Yeah. Was just reading a book. How was your day?

Do you like to read? It was the usual. School, practice, homework, hung out with friends for a bit. Nothing out of the ordinary.

I love to read!! ❤
I just wish that something extraordinary would happen for once. Something I could remember my high school life by, you know?

Haha... I get it. Do something about it then. It's great that you love to read! So what else do u like to do in your free time?

Read and just binge watch shows I guess.. Wbu?

So you're a nerd with no real talent. I play football obviously and I like to cook. I'm teaching myself how to play the guitar.

Wow, the nerve of the guy! I was a fool for thinking he was decent. He was an egotistical jerk with an inflated head. He was no different than the other narcissistic jocks. I was never going to text him again!

I furiously tried to concentrate on my book but I was stuck on the same line for five minutes. I was furious.
My phone vibrated indicating a new message. I waited another five minutes before reading it.

I'm sorry. That might have been a little harsh. What can I do to make you feel better?

I wanted to give him a piece of my mind.

Just because you're super talented doesn't mean everyone else is. I'm perfectly happy the way I am. If I'm too boring then don't text me. That's all.

Woah! I said I was sorry. Fine. I don't even know you!

I switched off my phone so that I wouldn't be tempted to text him. I don't even know why girls go crazy over him when he had the sensitivity of a teaspoon. I wasn't going to be like every other girl. I had some self respect and I wasn't going to text him again. Ever.

I shut my book and tried to sleep. I tried to push away all thoughts of him and how excited I had been a few minutes ago. Sleep came eventually and I slept with no dreams whatsoever of Austin Waters.

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