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Daniel’s flaring brain woke him. He raised cement-filled arms and held his head until joyful realization bloomed with full consciousness. He was alive, he could move, and he blessed God no evil thing claimed him during the night.  He glanced up and spied a yellow sheet under his windshield wiper that read, “It’s all put back. Sorry.”

Smog seemed to envelop Daniel’s mind as he pondered the reason for the sheet. Finally, he found the perfect scenario. Carrie saw he was alive and wanted the entire incident to be kept quiet. She convinced her pandering father to keep Daniel from the woman who paid Carrie to poison him. The probable reason she gave was that Daniel’s harrowing experience would scare him from Millstone for good, saving the town from his evil partnership with Pops.

Carefully opening his door, he stepped from the Jeep, cautiously clicked it shut, and sneaked like a thief to his cabin. Disregarding searing jolts in his muscles and the greenish cast to his skin, Daniel rubbed circulation in his arms and legs to clear his muddled thoughts. He hoped the poison had not permanently damaged him in some way. To flush out the remaining toxins, Daniel swallowed a couple more charcoal tablets, packed his things, and left.

As he backed from the carport and drove onto the road, he saw Kitty explode from the office and cover her mouth with her hand before he lost her from sight.  Let them think he was leaving for good.

As he traveled down the gutted, gravel road through the forest, four times as long as the footpath, the erratic muscle spasms increased. Still shrouded in gloom, the forest was a haunting reminder of last night’s harrowing attack, and he accelerated to get through fast, clutching the wheel to contain nausea. Finally, the lodge blurred into view. He pulled wildly in front of it and turned off his engine just as a black slate fell before his eyes.


“He must’ve got mixed up with a bramble bush and a dust devil. Look at his face!”

“The man of the lake got to him, Justus.  What else explains the green skin? Wow, take a look at the gash on back of his head.”

“Yeah, it looks bad. He had a hard fall, that's for sure.”

“Hey, his legs and arms are convulsing.”

“I’ll call a doctor,” Justus said with finality.

No! Daniel inwardly commanded, answering their distant, threadbare voices. He forced his limbs still. He’d rather die than go through more mental and physical strain from prying questions and complicated procedures. The doctors would unwittingly stamp suicide on his parent's thoughts. He struggled from the cold, deep well of semi-consciousness and raised his head.

“I’ve been poisoned, but the worst is over,” he said groggily.

“Poisoned!  OK, just relax, pal,” Justus replied. “Cory, get me some warm blankets from the linen closet.”

With that assurance, Daniel dropped into the warm well of deep sleep.


When Daniel woke again, it seemed many days passed.

“You’ve slept all day,” Cory stated.

“It’s good too.  You’re only part Martian now,” Justus added.

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