Once inside, Red Hood turned and started firing.  The other three bats scattered out of the way.  "Hood, long range!"  Batman ordered.  The red vigante grunted, and leaped to take shelter on a rafter of the old, unfinished office building.

"Sparrow, Robin, smoke!"

The pellets hit the ground, and smoke filled the building.  Sparrow swiftly dodged a jumping monster, and stomped on it.  Robin cut one through the side as it did the same. 

"How am I supposed to see!"  Red Hood yelled.  "You like a challenge!" Sparrow growled as he pushed on the shoulders of a dollotron.  It bit and snarled, trying to bite his face off if he wasn't pushing it away.  It suddenly fell, withering as Robin had stabbed the back of its back, causing blood to shoot out, and onto his uniform.

"R, S, hand me your explosives!"  Batman ordered from behind the boys.  They complied, and quickly pushed them into his hands. 

"Stall them!"  He commanded. "Hood, watch my six!"  He called, running off and vanishing in the smoke. 

Robin grunted as his blade was knocked down, he didn't have time to raise it as a doll, with one leg attached on its left side, launched itself at him.  He side stepped and caught it's neck in the crook of his arm, and squeezed.  It screamed and choked, he dropped it and ran it through, to be safe.

Red Hood kept firing left and right, trying for headshots only.  The blood could be heard as It splashed onto the pavement, along with the thunks of heads. 

Sparrow pulled out his bo staff, and knocked one in the head, before running it through the side.  "Argh! Disgusting!"  He said as the blood bubbled from the wound before he pulled his staff out.

"Charges set!  Move out!"  Batman ordered.  His dark shadow cast down as he leaped from the rafters and used his cape to glide.  He landed with a roll, and stood up quickly.  "MOVE!"  He shouted.

Red Hood jumped down with a thud, before standing and sprinting out the door where Batman stood, waiting for the other two.  Sparrow and Robin ran.  Robin jumped onto a dollotrons shoulders, and flipped onto another. He ran across the heads, before reaching the door and exiting.  Sparrow behind him.

Batman slammed the door shut, and used a bat-a-rang to jam the lock tight.  The door shook, and screams and bangs emitted from it.  Gray hands, and feet spasmed from inetween the door.  "Keep moving! Place is going to expload!"  He ordered.

They kept running, before taking shelter inside the bat mobile that Batman had opened remotely.  Closing it quickly, they settled in it just in time for the building to shake and expload into blazes.  Debris fell from the sky.  Wood and stone, along with plenty of Gray, bloody parts.  Some hit the windshield, making loud thunks.  Sparrow watched in disgust as a pale hand slid across the windshield, leaving blood across it.

Sparrow and Hood sighed in relief from the back seat, and Damian forced himself to relax, and Dick yanked the cowl off and took calming breathes.

The first side kick pressed a button on the dash, and the car silently, and easily started to drive itself.  It's location, home.

"Good work, guys..."  Oracle's voice came through the comlinks. "Everyone okay?" She asked.  "Tired." Tim mumbled from the back as he took his boots off.  "Scraped, but just drained."  Jason sighed as he pulled off his helmet, jacket, and shirt, replacing it with a t shirt from a compartment. "Sore..."  Damian admitted as he pulled his mask off, blinking.  "Exhausted."  Richard finished.

Oracle laughed a little.  "See you tomorrow night, guys."  She said.  The channel cut off. 

Tim groaned as he pulled a shirt over himself. "Adrenaline is so wearing off.  Gosh, I've never been more ready for sleep in my life."  Jason raised a eyebrow, as he finished pulling sweats over his Red Hood ones.  "Think you got hit in the head..."  He joked weakly.  Tim only kicked his leg half heartedly.

Dick glanced over at Damian,  noticing the boy nodding off, and falling asleep.  The boy had finished the quick change, and now wore a T shirt and sweats over his black pants.  He smiled and gazed out the window.  The car drove easily down the streets.

"How'd the meeting go? Did they let you in?"  Jason asked, and Timothy was perking up in interest.  Dick rested his head on his hand.  "Yes.  I am taking Bruce's spot..." 

"Woah, that's awesome." Tim stated.  Jason smirked.  "I think you'd make the old man proud."  He said.  Dick hummed.  "I sure hope so..."  He said roughly.  His throat sore from shouting.

The car pulled into the bat Cave, and the roof opened.  Dick pulled himself over the side, and landed with a thud.  He walked into the locker room with Tim and Jason.  Tim and Jay properly changed pants, and Dick changed completely.

Afterwards, Dick went and picked up Damian, carrying him upstairs, and into the boys room.  He laid him on the bed, and put a gray blanket over him.  He brushed some hair out of the young Wayne's face, and smiled softly.

"Goodnight, Dami."  He said, before walking out. 

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