New Beginnings [1-3]

Start from the beginning

Marie: "Ready.... Go!" You quickly start shooting at her, only to have her quickly create room for her to move out of the way by inking the ground and swimming out of harm's way. 

Y/N: Her weapon is a roller, so I should avoid close comb-- 

Before you could finish your thought, she had already closed the gap, letting her kick your feet out from under you. She pinned you to the floor with her roller with a smug face.

Agent 3: "Oops."

Y/N: "Oops is right." You grinned and revealed the inkbomb you had taken out while you had fell.

Agent 3: "Aw, car--" The bomb exploded, splatting her. You got up as she came back from the warp pad.

Y/N: "Been here longer, huh?" 

Agent 3: "Shut up, 4." 

Marie: "Alright you two. Get going already."

Y/N: "Got it." The two of you walked off, you poking fun at Agent 3 and her retorting back in a mix of annoyance and embarrassment. 

Marie: "Don't forget to keep your radios on!" 

The two of you gave her a thumbs up before hopping into the kettle. 

After a while, the two of you came back out of the kettle, exhausted. Marie walked up to the two of you, looking amused.

Marie: "Alright, now for the rest of this sector." The two of you groaned, tired, as Marie ushered the two of you to your next objective. 

[TimeskipTM brought to you by uh... I dunno. *Insert your own ad here!*]

Agent 3: "Hey! 4, wait up!" She swam in the ink path you had made up a wall, joining you. You gave her a smug look.

Y/N: "What's wrong, 3? I thought you were a pro~?"

Agent 3: "Yeah, but it's been a while. Anyway, we should be nearing the boss soon..."

As you two kept going, you fought against plenty of Octarians, until you reached a huge circular platform.

Y/N: "Ah, there it is." You walked across the platform towards the Zapfish, before Agent 3 tackled you out of the way as a tentacle shot up and dragged it under the ink, before it started glowing. A huge, evil, octarian oven slowly rose out of the ink, before screeching at the two agents.

Agent 3 and Y/N: "....."

The scary oven ejected a piece of bread from it, making you and Agent 3 dive out of the way.

Agent 3: "This is going to be tough. Think you can handle it?" You grin and spin your dualies. 

Y/N: "You bet I can." Agent 3 smirked.

Agent 3: "Good to hear." 

You and Agent 3 split up as another loaf of bread was ejected, you coating the evil oven, and Agent 3 making an ink path on the ground. You both circled it until it was covered enough for you two to climb it.

Y/N: "GO!"

Agent 3 climbed up the oven, before coming out on top. She shot the tentacle on it, making it explode. The oven shook, and Agent 3 fell off. You caught her and dived out of the way as another loaf of death break came at you.

Y/N: "You good?" She nodded and you set her down.

Agent 3: "Damn. It lost a few of it's panels.."

Y/N: "We can just climb it again though."

You turned into a squid and climbed it, Agent 3 dodging the deadly bread the oven seemed so keen on baking. You shot the tentacle on top, making it explode again. You fell off this time, only for Agent 3 to catch you in the bridal position this time. She dropped you and you stood up.

Agent 3: "It's lost all of it's panels..." You grinned before you picked her up again. "H-Hey!" 

You rolled your eyes as you ran with Agent 3 in your arms, waiting for it to eject another piece of bread. The Octo-Oven glared at you before ejecting a huge loaf of bread, as you had hoped for. You jumped, landing on it, before jumping again and throwing Agent 3 up, over the oven. Agent 3 looked surprised, but she flicked her roller at the tentacle as she flew through the air, getting rid of it for good. The Octo-Oven started glowing before it exploded, leaving the Zapfish there.

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