I can't help but gape at him. For a job, I'm expected to give up the life that I had back home for one here, on this estate?

"I can't accept that, I'm sorry."

Noah seems impatient, as he gets up from his seat, presumably bothered he isn't yet at this important meeting. "In order for you to take this job, it is important you take this accommodation opportunity. I promise you will will be paid better than anything you have been paid before. I can assure you."

I want to turn him down again, but my voice gets stuck in my throat, giving him another option to speak again. "I have to go. Heather outside will speak to you about your first shift. Maybe later you can let me know if you accept your offer."

Sitting here, I watch him leave, no longer acknowledging me. I'm left with a million questions he has refused to answer. But one sticks to my mind most.

How does he know Cian?

Heather, the woman who seemingly hates me beyond belief, greeted me as I walked outside with a raised eyebrow. I can tell how desperately she wants to ask what Noah and I spoke about.

"Well, where do I start?" I ask her.

Heather narrows her dark eyes on me, her jaw clenched. She thought I would lose my job, and clearly wanted me to, as she reluctantly leads me to the mailroom. A table stands in the middle, a variety of mail spread across it, sorting bins next to it. This is an intimidating sight. Who knows if I will ever get this right.

"All of the love letters to Noah go straight in the trash," Heather instructions. She picks up an envelope with a lipstick stain on it, before she tosses is into bin. "There is a list of important people whose mail can be sent directly to Noah."

I approach the table nervously, as Heather throws me a pair of gloves. "If any of this seems suspicious...good luck."

With that, she leaves.

Loosening a breath, I stare at the table of mail waiting for me. Maybe Noah is right with what he first said to me about not being able to find anyone for the job. Who would want to do this, when any of these packages could contain something to kill me.

My mind, however, is sifting through all that has happened today. Noah is very dismissive and distracted all the time, whereas Cian is in my face, demanding attention at all times. They have nothing in common, so how do they know each other? Cian snuck his way into my life, so maybe he did the same to the Alpha.

A persistent nagging in my stomach gives me the feeling that something else is going on behind my back, that I don't know about.

Maybe working here means I'll be able to find out.

Picking up a rather thick envelope, I notice it's not been sent from an address off the list I was supplied. Lifting it to my nose, I realise it smells sweet. This must be one of the love letters Noah gets sent. It's almost sad, knowing there are doting girls out there that see the attractive Alpha on TV, write a letter only to have it thrown away.

I mean, if it's getting thrown away, I don't see why anyone would be offended if I had a look. I'm curious about the minds of those who lust after their Alpha.

Glancing over my shoulder, I ensure no one is watching.

Inside the envelope, once I've torn into it, petals fall out form it, fluttering to the ground. Pulling out the letter tucked inside, I fold it out, reading the beautiful handwriting displayed upon the rose tinted page.


I somehow doubt you will get this letter, but it's worth a try.
You visited my village a week ago, and I can't stop thinking about you. It was only a glimpse, but you're so much more handsome in person.
I hear all the girls at school whisper about you, but I doubt you gave them the feeling you gave me. It was special.
A boy even asked me on a date, but I'm saving myself for you.
I hope you contact me. I would love to maybe meet you in person, maybe even touch you, just once.
My mother always says one touch can change your life...

Love, Emma

Putting the letter down, I think about it for a moment. Does Noah even care that there are girls out there that are wasting their life away waiting for him to be interested in them, when he never will be.

Tearing open another, I pull out another letter. This one is much shorter, written messier.

Alpha Noah,

I'm furious, I hope you know.
Are these rumours about you and your assistant being together true?? Do you know how long I've been waiting for you to come to my town, to notice me?
She's hideous, truly. She looks wicked, evil with her pointy nose and horrendous hairline.
I hope you end it soon.

There is no name underneath.

The rumour may or not be true, but it surely has bothered this girl. The first one, by the tone of her letter, has yet to hear about this rumour. Either way, this is ridiculous. Noah mustn't have any idea about these girls. That saddens me.

I won't let anymore get thrown away. I'm going to take these up to him, and demand he acknowledges them.

Because I know what it feels like to be in love with someone who doesn't love you.


If you guys want to read Noah over ten chapters ahead, it's available on Radish (:


If you're interested, Sinful now has his own story up now on Radish!

If you're interested, Sinful now has his own story up now on Radish!

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~Midika 💜🐼

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