"New phone, who's this?" Ella acts as someone called her, "I'm leaving."

The woman stands up and gets out of there. The group goes silent and the situation was awkward, "Well, this was fun." Malfoy sarcastically whispers in Alese's ear.

Ella goes out the door and starts to have difficulties breathing and her heart starts to race. She was having an anxiety attack from all the situation. The boy, who was now a man, who she loved, is now with another woman. The shock made her panic and her thoughts didn't stop. The woman felt almost betrayed lonely and hatred.

"Excuse me?" A heavy manly voice makes itself heard behind the panicked Italian, "Do you need help?"

"N-No, I'm fine. Thank you." Ella tries to be alone.

"Need water? Or maybe take a walk?" The man insists on helping.

"I'm fine, really... I just found out something
I wasn't expecting..." Ella reveals, taking deep breaths and calming down.

"Want to talk about it?" He offered himself to hear her out.

"Don't get me wrong, but we don't even know each other..." Ella tries to not be rude with the helpful guy.

"Oh, right, well..." He tries to handshake Ella, "I'm Tom."

"Ella." She reveals, shaking his hand.

"Well, Ella, guess we know each other now," Tom says, giving her a smile.

"Well, Tom, if you wanna know that much, fine then." Ella takes a deep breath before talking about it, "My ex-boyfriend is inside that pub with all my friends and his new girlfriend."

"Oof, harsh one..." Tom tries to think of a way to distract the sad woman, "Want to go for a drink? It always works for me when I try to forget something."

"I-I don't know..." Ella feels insecure about the request.

"I'll pay." Tom offers himself.

"Are you going to kidnap me?" Ella asks, in a joking tone.

"How did you figured that out? No one pays for your drinks?" Tom chuckles and gets in the play.

"Basically, yes," Ella confesses.

"I'm flattered that I am the first one then." Tom feels proud of himself.

"I'm not the best company right now, so you're not exactly lucky." Ella sighs, getting ready to go into the pub again.

"I'm lucky you didn't die in front of me, or I wouldn't know you," Tom says in a relieving tone, smiling to Ella.

Ella blushed a little and smiled back to the mysterious man. She went inside the pub and to the table that her friends were. With the keys in hand, she handles it to Jisung and makes her Niffler jump to her hand and turns around again, but gets her arm hold by Malfoy.

"You're leaving? Already? You haven't spent any time with them." Alese tries to make Ella stay for her friends.

"I don't feel good here, I'm sorry," Ella reveals and gets loose from the grab of Malfoy.

Ella starts to walk to leave the pub again, but Alese catches up to her and stops Ella in her way, "Are you doing this over a school boyfriend?"

"I'm not having this talk now, Alese." Ella avoids that subject.

Alese shakes her head disappointed with her friend, Chan and Felix did everything they could go get the group all together and Ella was leaving them because of a school boyfriend. Deep down, Alese could understand that for Ella it was probably more than that since she is dating the same person since Hogwarts, they even got married, and that the end of Ella's relationship with Jeongin was unstable and seeing him after years was messing with her head. Although, Ella should make an effort to be with them. Alese shrugs and leaves back to her sit, leaving Ella alone. Ella sighs, watching the group laughing and having fun, she leaves the pub, seeing Tom leaning against an electricity pole, she gives a shy smile and gets closer.

"And what do you have in that pocket?" Tom asks, curious.

"My baby Niffler."

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