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The week passed pretty quick and as usual. Peaceful streets equal less job for the Aurors. Ella would use this free time to take care of her creatures inside her case, while the others would drink coffee and talk about all kinds of stuff. Yejun, Minho, and Seungmin loved the idea and they confirmed their presence. The plan was to go see Seungmin and Minho game before the meeting, so the guys could take a shower and get ready. They're going for Ella to try and have fun since she was always a passionate fan of the sport, and she was even a fan of the London Unspeakables, Quidditch club where Minho is the Seeker. Jisung and Hyunjin survived in their escape from the Occam's and arrived first. They were staying at Ella's house. Ella's days got really fun and enjoyable with the two boys and helped her forget about her emotional problems, talking about her deepest passion, which was Magical Creatures. Jeongin and Evelyn arrived on Friday and stayed at a hotel in London. Saturday was game day. Everyone went to see the game, except Jeongin and Evelyn. Jeongin would like to go but Evelyn didn't like to see "some guys flying on brooms and playing around with balls" as she would describe Quidditch. Ella found it weird, Jeongin loved Quidditch and they would go to see all the games. No one knew who was Jeongin's company, but they weren't liking it already.

The game was fired up. Back and forth, the teams would score goals after goals. It was tied 110-110 when Minho finished the game by catching the Golden Snitch, after a great pursue. 260-110 was the final result. The players headed out of the pitch and the fans started to leave the stadium. The group waited outside for Minho and Seungmin. As they were coming, they were arguing about the game because Seungmin was a bad loser.

"You haven't changed at all," Chan tells Seungmin, who was still mad about the lost game.

They went to a pub in the middle of London, a famous one that Jeongin could recognize. They sat and asked for drinks while waiting. The conversation was nice and fun until finally, Jeongin arrives with Evelyn. Ella's heart froze, as she saw that Jeongin was able to move on and get himself, someone. Alese looked to Ella, with her eyes widened, surprised and fearing how her brunette friend could be feeling. A tear could be felt falling down from Ella's right eye, but her Niffler caught it because of its brightness, cleaning it without no one noticing.

"Guys, this is Evelyn. Evelyn, these are my friends from Hogwarts." Jeongin makes the introductions.

They all say hi to the woman and she said it back. They sat down together and started talking about everything they have missed on each others lives. Ella went completely silent and Alese noticed that. She started to think of something to make her feel better. The Niffler got out of her pocket and went to the table, searching for shiny things.

"Looks like your little guy is up to something." Hyunjin plays with Ella, making her chuckle.

"Our next adventure is to capture one of these!" Jisung confidently claims.

"Show that one something shiny and he's yours," Hyunjin says, making everyone laugh.

"He's so tiny and furry..." Evelyn points out Niffler's physical traits in a tone of disapproval.

"And what's the problem with that?" Ella fires back quickly.

"None, it's just..." Evelyn tries to find a nice way of saying it, "I-I don't really like Magical Creatures..."

"I don't remember Jeongin liking them either, yet you're here." Ella rolls her eyes, completely mad.

Alese and Seungmin started to laugh, caught off guard. Evelyn widened her eyes, shocked with the harsh reply, "Ella, come on..." Jeongin tries to call the woman to reason.

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