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Ella and Jeongin go their separate ways, with Tom accompanying Ella. As they seat down, they all were silent.

"Well, I'd ask you who that is, but I and the whole pub heard your conversation..." Tom reveals, "Why the argument?"

"My ex-boyfriend came to ask me why I was rude to his new boo-boo girl." Ella rolls her eyes, talking with real anger on his voice. The boys had never seen her like that.

"And why did he grabbed you? He doesn't know how to take a no as an answer?" Tom asks, looking up and watching Jeongin.

"He asked when I would be able to stop being a child and had a decent conversation. It doesn't matter, honestly. He made his choice." Ella reveals, almost promising that she won't ever talk to him.

And after that, the subject was changed. Jisung remembered how Tom was interested in Magical Creatures, despite not knowing anything about them, and so the experts began to tell him everything about every Magical Creature they knew. Tom was really interested in that and he was a quick learner. After three hours of conversation, he almost knew as much as them. Tom looks through the window and sees the dark light of the night set in.

"This was a brilliant conversation, but I really have to go now." Tom stands up as he announces he's leaving.

"Already? But it's so soon." Hyunjin tries to make the guy stay.

"Sorry mate, but I have some business to take care of, but we can meet tomorrow if you want." Tom apologizes, making them know that he will be free.

"Sure, maybe you join us on going after some Crups!" Jisung talks about it with excitement.

"Tomorrow we talk then, bye guys, bye Ella." Tom goes away, waving his hand to his friends.

Ella, Hyunjin, and Jisung had nothing left to do and it was getting late. They went home and prepared a quick dinner for the three of them and sat down in front of the television watching some movies until the fell asleep on the sofa.

In the next day, Ella woke up and went to work. She grabs her case and left. Arriving at the Ministry of Magic, she sees her friends: Draco, Chan and unfortunately Jeongin. She gets closer to them and greets Draco and Chan, ignoring Jeongin's presence and goes to her office, which was on the ninth floor. Ella was happy, even looked like someone else. Arriving there, she greets her colleagues. She set the suitcase down on her desk and began to deal with the license she had promised Hyunjin. A few minutes later, with almost everything settled, she sits down in her chair she starts reading the new files and the new projects she had to solve in the Beast Division. It was a quiet day and Ella was happy to hear the new comments about her. How she was more cheerful, more lively, basically from how she returned them to old Ella. It was now time for her to go get her typical coffee, before leaving the room she asked her colleagues if anyone wanted. Ethan, Isabella, and Olivia lifted their arms and smiled at the brunette, "I'm on it," nodded and headed for the elevator.

She left the Ministry, going to the usual cafe and asked for the same one as always. Returning to the ministry, Ella went to the elevator where she faced Jeongin. Ella rolled her eyes and ignored his presence once more, got into the elevator and turned to the doors of the same with her back to the boy. Ella pressed the button number two, it was the floor destined for all the Aurors. The elevator goes up to the floor that Ella pressed and opens the doors. Ella and Jeongin go out of the elevator at the same time and made their way quietly to their friends' office. Arriving there, Ella greets everyone one more time and Jeongin keeps quiet.

Revenge | JEONGINOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora