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There's an awkward silence between the group, as if there's an invisible barrier drawn out along the pavement. On one side, there's Harry, his fingers laced together with Sophie's, as they stand alongside Gemma and Anne, who appear equally as confused as they do.

And on the other side, there's Elle.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asks, his expression fading to one of complete and utter perplexity. Sophie, on the other hand, hasn't a clue who this girl is, and as she receives a look from Anne, she realises that both her and Gemma haven't a clue, either.

"A friend can't visit a friend?" Elle asks rhetorically, her eyes landing on the rest of the group now, "Hi, everyone. I'm Elle, Harry's friend."

Sophie's never seen her before - not even heard a word about her. And judging by her accent, in addition to these facts - it becomes clear she isn't from here - the bag in her hand pointing to the conclusion that she'd travelled here.

"Never heard of you," Gemma mumbles, voicing what her, her mother, and Sophie are all thinking.

"I-I still don't get why you're here, I- how did you know where I live?" Harry tries to remain polite, but still stammers in confusion.

Elle shrugs, "Word travels fast at home, you know that! I just thought it'd be cool to visit, y'know? See what all the fuss is about.."

"Fuss? It's college," Sophie mutters, unable to hide her growing annoyance, despite her attempts to remain open-minded.

"Who are you?" Elle asks, rather rudely.

"Sophie," she returns simply, feeling Harry squeeze her hand in his own.

Elle glances down at their hands, "A friend of Harry's?"

"Something like that," Sophie refrains from rolling her eyes, as Gemma snickers from beside her and Anne simply looks uncomfortable.

"Right.." Harry speaks up, unsure of how else to move forward, "it was really nice to see you, Elle, but we have somewhere to be, and-"

"The gallery reopening?" Elle replies, "that's exactly where I'm headed, too!"

Of course it is.

Harry bites his lip, "Oh, cool. Well, let's go, then."

They move forward, and Sophie's face holds a bitter look as Harry's hand separates from hers, and Anne leans forward to whisper into Sophie's ear.

"Be patient with him," she says, "doesn't know how to tell somebody to piss off." Sophie glances over at her, thankful to know that she's not just being overzealous with her irritation towards this visitor of theirs.

Harry's deep in conversation with Elle by the time Sophie looks back towards him, and they turn onto the street of the gallery.

"If it's any consolation," Gemma speaks up, "you're far prettier. And despite only meeting you both a few minutes ago, you have far more personality."

Sophie laughs at this, shaking her head. Not that it's of any importance, but Elle is quite simply a very attractive girl, but Sophie also knows Harry won't notice that. He simply isn't that kind of person.

They arrive at the gallery, the five of them entering one after the other. With the hold up of Elle, there's only fifteen minutes until the curtains drop.

"Would anyone like a drink? On me, for tonight," Anne smiles warmly.

"I'll have some wine, if you're offering," Elle speaks up, and Anne's smile doesn't falter. Gemma rolls her eyes.

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