A Sacrifice Worth Giving

Start from the beginning

Nuwa doesn't say anything after listening to my story, her slit like pupils looking down at Naraku's body, her expression is soft and kind. She is indeed the creator of life.

"I can see why Guanyin wanted you to find me now. You already know my story and life, although it has been lifetimes already, but knowing that my love, FuXi passed away and leaving me behind still pains me to this day. Although I am the mother goddess and creator of all living things, I couldn't bring the one that I love back to life no matter how much I try. After hearing your story and your love with this demon and how much you go through to try to bring the one you love back, I can see how much you resemble me in that aspect. I sympathize for you___________ because I know how it feels." Nuwa softly says.

"Love can be painful, but it can bring so much happiness when it's at its full bloom." I reply with a smile looking back down at Naraku's face.

"Yes, I can save him." Nuwa suddenly adds.

My eyes goes wide as I hear that, my heart is beating so fast I almost feel my mind going blank. I look back up at her, she is standing there and looking down at me with a gentle smile.

"You can save him? You can actually save him?" I ask her almost losing control of my emotions.

She then kneels down and touches Naraku's chest near his heart. She looks at him, the slit of her eyes becoming more thinner for a second.

"Indeed, in fact, I was the one who brought him back to life that day." Nuwa says.

My eyes goes wide again as I hear that, I look at her side profile in front of me, her skin is flawless like porcelain and white as ivory. She was the one who brought Naraku back to life? How and why?

"Why? Why did you bring him back to life that day? And how?" I ask her.

"I was outside one day admiring the beautiful nature that my creator created. When I saw a small glowing particle floating in the air not too far away from me. I managed to catch it before it faded away, it looked so faint and weak. When I closely examined this beautiful particle, I realized that it was a soul, the smallest fragment of a soul. It wasn't like a human soul, it was special, a demon's. I took it back inside the cave with me and I nourished it, I nourished it because it was a soul and every life is precious to me. As I nourished it, I was able to see into its past. I saw what kind of being he was and what he did, and I understood why he did it, what made him do it. I saw you. I know you know this, or maybe you don't, but he was once a human and for that he is a child of mine despite not being a part of my domain and origin. He didn't know love, he didn't understand it, he only understood hate and knew how to destroy. I wanted him to learn what love is and learn to treasure and protect the things that he will come to love, I wanted to give him a second chance in life. I wanted to give him a second chance at life as a human, a new clean slate, but unfortunately the soul fragment was mostly the demon side. Not wanting him to remember who he was and what he did, I could only create a block on his memories of his past. The spell could only be broken when he realizes real love and wanting to protect the very thing that means everything to him. I had faith that the new him will not become the him in the past, decided to give him that chance. I nourished his soul with the energy that I preserved all this time trying to revive the one I love. I have never given life to a demon before or any kind of being that is not mortal, so by reviving a demon, it requires more energy than usual from me. But I did, unfortunately I realized that by reviving him again on this soul fragment will take years, centuries perhaps, so in order to speed up the process I split the soul fragment in two when it reached the point of that it can be manipulated. The nourishing process sped up and 12 years later I was able to fully revive Naraku and his soul has matured to what he is now. I want him to learn about life, so I placed him in an open field, forcing him to take in everything around him by himself, and then I left when he woke up, I was unaware that he saw me as I left." She tells me.

Fleeting Embraces, Falling Feelings ~ Naraku X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now