He Leaves You For His Ex part one

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Luke: You held back your tears as Luke grabbed his last box. You'd found out he'd been sleeping with his ex for five months out of your year long relationship, and he was leaving you for her. Just out of no where, he confessed everything and said he was leaving, as simple as blinking the eye.

"Well, uhm bye" he smiled, and opened his arms, signalling a hug.

You solemnly shook your head, and held the door, nodding for him to get the hell out. He walked away and gave a polite wave, as you held in your tears, and shut your door.

You looked around your now empty, lonely house. Luke had taken everything, even his coffee. You picked up the only picture he hadn't taken from your fireplace, the one of you and him on your six month anniversary. You both looked so, so happy. His smile reached both ears, as he stared into the camera, his dimples showing. Your eyes were lit up, and you looked so happy.

You sighed as your sudden anger rushed through, realising Luke had never loved you. How could someone love you if they would cheat on you and leave you- for their ex? Your anger bubbling more high, you threw the picture against the wall, and watched as it smashed, glass flying everywhere.

You finally started to sob, and crawled down the hallway into your bedroom. You laid on Luke's side of the bed, clutching the sweater he left behind against your chest. You eventually settled down, and released a heavy sigh, until your phone started ringing, a call from Luke..


"I'm sorry Y/N, I-I'm leaving you- f-for my ex" Ashton gulped, staring at you in your shared living room.

"W-what?" you ask, tears welling up in your eyes.

"I've been seeing her the past six months and, I just, I miss her, and we've been fighting a lot, you know?" Ashton says, not making eye contact with you and scratching the back of his head.

You and Ashton's two year relationship, being thrown away carelessly, all because his stupid ex just couldn't keep her hands off of him. Yes, you and Ashton had been fighting, but over silly things. Nothing serious.

You bit your lip to stop the tears and nodded at him.

"I-I'll pick up my stuff tonight, you can box it up or I can later, doesn't matter" he says.

You turned away because you know if you looked at him, your tears would fall.

"Y/N, are you alright?" Ashton asks, grabbing your shoulder.

"Just go" you said quietly.

"C'mon I-" Ashton started.

"JUST GO!" You yelled, holding in your tears as he slammed the door.

You sat on the floor and cried, replaying all the good memories of you and Ashton in your head. Like the time he first said he loved you, he was so nervous he got sick. And when he first kissed you, on the top of a ferris wheel. You sobbed into your hands, grabbing Ashton's favourite football jersey, and cuddling into it on the floor as you cried.


You had spent the day packing up all of his things, except one jersey, you planned to hide and keep that, you weren't fully ready to let go. You had often stopped and cried many tears, as everything brought up memories. His green beanie he had worn when he first met your parents, his blue striped shirt he bought to match yours.

You sighed and went to fix your makeup, as you knew Ashton would be here soon.

You went through you and Ashton's old photo album, which you decided to keep. You were sighing and flicking through it, sadness filling your body. You had pictures from so many places.

Award shows

The Carnival

Just on your own couch.

You frowned again, and started to sob into your hands. You would never have your Ash again, he didn't want you.

Just then your lock clicked, signalling Ashton was there. You sighed and pretended to be mesmerized by something out the window, as you heard Ashton's footsteps near you.

"Your stuff has been boxed, no need to walk around, it's all in the kitchen" you stifly say.

"Wait, Y/N" Ashton starts.


A wave of sickness hit you as Michael's cruel words replayed in your head, over and over, stinging more each time.

I'm leaving you for my ex.

My ex.

My ex.

The words rang over and over. Michael, your boyfriend of a year, was leaving you for his ex, with no warning or signs at all.

"O-okay" you mutter, trying not to cry.

"Clifford hug before I start packing?" he softly smiles.

"Uhm, I-uh-I gotta go" you say, brushing past him and out of your front door. The tears start to run down your face in the pouring rain, as you stumble over yourself, running to who knows where. You just couldn't stand to be there while Michael was leaving, packing up all of his things.


You make your way into your flat hours later and gasp when you see how empty the flat has become. You don't bother changing out of your wet clothes as you start to sob, memories with Michael flooding back into your mind.

You make it to where you least want to be, your bedroom. Michael's stuff completely gone, but he had left his jumper on the bed. You pick it up and put it on, smiling at the warmth and the smell of his cologne. You then frown, and make your way to the couch, pulling out some cookie dough ice cream. You cry and shake uncontrollably and you realize you're a wreck. You hear a knock on the door, and assume it's one of your friends or the pizza you ordered, so you get up to answer.

On your way to the door, you gaze at yourself in the mirror. You were a total wreck. Your eyes were puffy, your makeup washed off your obviously tear-stained face. Your mascara had run from your eyes to your chin. And you were still in your soaking wet clothes, shaking from sadness and from the cold.

"Hello?" you frown as you open the door, not bothering to look up or stop crying.

"Y/N?" you hear a familiar voice say.

You look up, Michael's eyes full of hurt, and guilt.

"I messed up..." he starts.


"Bye" Calum waved sadly at you, while hopping into the passenger's seat of none other than his ex-girlfriend's car. She looked guilty, and sympathetically nodded at you, which only made you grow angry. You wanted to just punch her in the face.

Calum had just met you outside, in his ex's car. You'd left your house after a fight two days ago, and when you came back, the house was empty, all of Calum's stuff was gone. You texted him, and he arrived with his ex, stating how he was leaving you for her and he had been planning on leaving for a month to be with her.

Calum grabbed his ex's hand in the car, and you storm up to your flat, slamming the door shut, and sliding down it, in a fit of sobs.


You'd received a text from Ashton earlier today, since you were quite close, pleading you to get out of your slump and come to his party tonight. You agreed to going, and ended up having a decently good time. You danced with the boys, hungout with a few friends, almost got your mind off of Calum- until someone tapped on your arm.

You turned around to come face to face with Calum.

"Can we talk?" he whispered.

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