Chapter 10- Between the Lines

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A/N As the story progresses I apologize to anyone who knows anything about mechanical and electrical engineering. Google wasn't very helpful

(September 29, 2007)

Huddled in the corner of his cell, Brody flinched as a grating sound emanated from deep within the ship. It was too early (late? It wasn't like the ship ran on Pacific Standard Time) to be awake, but every time he started to doze off. . . screech. His adrenaline surged. He'd heard that enough the last few days to know the sound of the door at the end of the hall opening by heart.

Sure enough the clunk-clunk of robot steps came closer. Brody scrunched harder against the wall in a vain attempt to make himself invisible. The kudabot didn't even glance in his direction as it walked past. After a few moments it reached the staircase at the other end and left the prison hold.

Consciously forcing his muscles to relax, Brody let out a long sigh. Everything ached and his eyelids begged to close, but Brody couldn't let himself sleep. The robots or Ripcon could come back for him at any time. Not that he could do much about it but he'd get an advanced warning rather than a rude awakening. He gently massaged his ribs, still tender from this morning's wake up session. Another bruise to add to Brody's ever-growing collection.

Brody let his chin drop to his chest, his eye catching the thick black watch resting on his left wrist. Absentmindedly he tugged at the band. It weighed less than the metal shackle, but its presence was no less binding. His mind drifted back to the day, a few weeks ago, when Ripcon had barged into the workroom and slapped it on Brody's wrist. Afterward he'd been more than happy to inform Brody that if he took it off unpermitted, Brody would receive an electrical shock that would make the one from the throne room look pale in comparison. Mick's grim face confirmed the words.

Once Ripcon left them, Mick explained that the watch didn't just function as a taser. A tracking device was built into it, as well as a comms link. The comms were set up so that Galvanax or his other generals could contact them, but Brody would only be able to talk to them when they initiated the call, not that he would ever want to contact them. It did, however, allow (very minimal) access to the ship's computer if Brody had a legitimate need or question for whatever task he was assigned. It was not, Mick stressed, intended to be used for personal needs, or Galvanax would have Ripcon "instruct" them on its proper. Anything he said would be relayed to the necessary channel who would determine the outcome.

It also didn't have the capacity for Brody to call Mick. To be fair when they were in their cells the older man was only down the hall, but the kudabots shut down their attempts at talking almost as soon as Brody tried. Currently Mick's snores could just be heard over the engines' rumbling. Grating as the sound was, it brought a small measure of comfort that Brody wasn't alone. Continuing to fiddle with the watch, Brody let his thoughts drift off.

The cell door had barely moved when Brody's eyes snapped open. A kudabot lumbered in with the usual morning goo. Bordy's taste buds were slowly becoming accustomed to the flavor, but that didn't mean he could say he enjoyed meals like he did on Earth. Sighing, Brody accepted the bowl. He finished the contents quickly before following the robot out the door. It took a few days, but he found that if he got up immediately after eating the robot didn't manhandle him to get moving.

Mick was already at his desk when Brody walked inside. He looked up at the sound of the door opening, giving Brody a warm smile.

"Mornin'. Another power converter blew this morning and I could use your help." Brody nodded mutely, making his way to Mick. "It's the third one this week. Looking at it I don't think it's an issue with the power amplitude. It almost looks like. . . hmmmm." Mick trailed off.

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