Chapter 8- Severing Ties

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(August 25, 2007)

Rain pounded against the roof. Aiden silently cursed his already miserable luck while watching little streams run down the windowpane. Nine o'clock had come and gone. If he were to get the trophy delivered, and himself sufficiently far away from Summer Cove tonight, he had to leave soon. Aiden shook his head in frustration. He was as ready as he could be and now the elements themselves were against him.

After finalizing his supplies earlier, including a couple family photos protected in a ziplock bag and writing a quick note pinned to the trophy saying it was a donation, Aiden tried to sleep through the afternoon. Tried being the key word. Worries plagued his thoughts, keeping him awake. Simple rest would have to cut it- assuming he'd be able to leave as planned.

Two backpacks and a lumpy package stared forlornly at him from their place by the front door. Aiden walked toward them and fiddled with a zipper for a moment. 'Couldn't anything be easy?' He opened the door for a better view. Dark clouds lay heavily in the sky, giving no indication that the rain would stop anytime soon. Growling under his breath, Aiden tried to think. Temptation to stay another night built up in his mind, but he knew continuing to delay would make leaving even harder. That and it continued to increase the risk of someone discovering him and the steel.

Angrily slamming the door behind him, Aiden retreated to the living room praying the rain would stop soon. 'Though that reminds me to take an extra tarp since I can't carry the tent.' In that the rain may have been an unexpected blessing. 'The only good thing about it.' He thought darkly as he made his way to the basement. Another tarp, a hammer and several tent stakes later he returned to his vigil by the window.

Patience was a virtue, Dane repeated that often enough, but it was hard to be patient when there were so many things that could go wrong. Aiden watched the clock, the minutes ticking away slowly. Finally an hour later the rain began to lighten. Thirty agonizing minutes later a quiet lull descended on the property. Aiden checked his bags one more time before figuring he had everything he knew to bring.

It was time to go, but an ache burned in Aiden's chest. Though he knew he shouldn't stall any longer, there was one last thing he needed to do. Slowly, room by room, Aiden said his goodbye to the house. Memories of days good and bad filled every corner. The dining table where the four of them would have dinner, the couch where Elena would read to them or they would have a family movie night. His bedroom, the only room he'd ever had. Brody's room, where hours had been spent pretending to be knights, dragons, or ninja. 

Last of all was Dane's room. A place of solace. Many late nights had been spent with Dane, whether because Aiden wasn't feeling well, startled awake by a thunderstorm or bad dream, or just wanted to be near his father. The place where many tears had been shed into Dane's arms after Elena's death. The room where it was realized their fractured family could heal, even if it would never be the same. 'I don't know how well I'll be able to keep on this time.'

Aiden swiped at his eyes, exhausted of all the tears. In any case there wasn't time to cry. "I'll do my best Dad. That's all I can hope for right now." Taking a deep breath, he headed downstairs.

His bags sat patiently, ready when he was. Gathering everything into his arms he set them outside on the porch. With one last glance around the living room Aiden flipped off the light and gently closed the door behind him. A soft breeze blew around Aiden. Other than the gentle dripping coming from the trees the night was quiet. He waited a minute on the porch, letting his eyes adjust, before heading to grab his bike from the barn.

Once he returned to the porch loading the bike proved to be a challenge. The food bag had to be slung over the handlebars before Aiden could attempt to climb on the bike. When Aiden tried getting up using only one hand, the other cradled the now heavier trophy, the bike tipped sending Aiden and his packages sprawling.

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