Chapter 6- Adjustments

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(August 24, 2007)

Aiden had long since given up on attempting to fall back asleep. He stared out the window as dawn broke over the horizon. Streaks of gold were punctured by blood red patches of sky. 'Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning.' Aiden thought grimly. True he was no sailor on the high seas, but it was an ominous display after yesterday's events.

Slowly Aiden climbed off his bed and retrieved the ninja steel. Setting it gently on his desk, he walked over to his closet. He would have to figure out what to take with him when he left home. Despite helping Dane prepare for many camping trips over the years, the thought of possibly never returning made it a daunting task.

'California summers are hot, but winter nights get cold. So I need sweatshirts and shorts.' A small pile of clothes grew at Aiden's feet. 'Sleeping bag is a must, a tent would be good, but I don't know if I can carry that. . .'

Clothing procured, Aiden looked around his room. Everything he saw had a story, whether it was his cozy comforter, clock, or stuffed dragon discreetly placed between his bed and wall. So many memories, but so much he'd have to leave behind. Just taking what he needed would probably prove difficult.

Clenching his jaw, Aiden walked slowly out of his room toward Dane's. He had a camping backpack in his room that was bigger than any of Aiden's.

Aiden hesitated before opening Dane's door. Normally Dane would be in there, just getting ready to start the day. Opening the door, the dark and silent interior stared back at him. Aiden's eyes watered but he walked quickly to the closet, ignoring the empty bed as best he could. How could it only have been a week ago that he and Brody tried to surprise Dane on that very bed? Only a week since their lives were irrevocably changed forever.

Shaking his head, Aiden tried to focus. Inside the closet the backpack hung ready on the wall, waiting for a new Romero adventure. 'But this time it's just me.'

One of Dane's favorite leather jackets hung next to it. After a moment of hesitation, Aiden grabbed that and one of Dane's training gis. Neither had much in practical value, but they were more ways to hold Dane close. 'They can squish.' Aiden thought determinedly, slinging the bag over his shoulder.

Another item of importance he made a point to grab was a multi-tooled pocket knife. Aiden carefully pulled it out of its resting place in the dresser drawer. The warm brown wood of the handle was nearly four inches long with a small four-pointed star carved into the base. Besides two knife blades, one serrated, it held a screwdriver, scissors, a can opener, and -at a personal request from Dane- a flint striker for a strip of magnesium housed in a detachable slot of the handle. Gently rubbing the wood between his fingers Aiden left Dane's room, closing the door behind him.

He started toward his room when the door to Brody's room caught his eye. Aiden swallowed hard and entered. As with Dane's room it sat as a silent mausoleum for its former occupant. This time Aiden couldn't stop the tears gathering in his eyes.

"I'm sorry I didn't do anything." Aiden choked out around the lump in his throat. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."

Scrubbing at his eyes, Aiden forced his vision to clear. He looked around the room and his gaze snagged on a black leather necklace holding a shark tooth. The tooth had been one Brody himself found on one of their trips to the beach. He'd been so excited about it that Dane helped him make it into a necklace. Aiden picked it up, rolling it between his fingers. Then, with shaking fingers, he clipped it around his throat, letting the necklace nestle beneath his collar. It wasn't practical to take anything of Brody's any less than it was of Dane's, but Aiden needed something tangible to hold onto of his family.

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