Chapter 3- Trajectory Shift

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(August 23, 2007)

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Dane's hammer served as the backdrop to Brody practicing his forms on the front lawn. The afternoon sun shone cheerily above, warm enough for Brody to regret wearing his long sleeve gi. He moved through the motions, welcoming the relief a soft breeze offered.

In the week since Dane had pulled out the star from the crystal Brody had lost some of his interest in it. Not that the prism wasn't cool, but nothing new happened since. The throwing star was, at this point, just an ornate artifact. The prism, other than keeping itself upright, hadn't moved or made a sound in days. Aiden didn't share Brody's opinion. He'd remained by Dane's side when working with the metal from the prism, which Dane called ninja steel. Dane's most recent test involved casting throwing stars to test the metal's malleability.

To keep himself busy while the other two worked, Brody had taken to increasing his martial arts training. Nothing overly strenuous, but a nagging feeling inside wouldn't leave him. A feeling that he needed to be better, and soon. Brody shook his head. It never hurt to push himself to be the best he could be.

So focused on his practice Brody didn't hear a low pitched hum come from the trees behind the property. He also didn't notice the three large figures stalking toward him. A loud crunch from behind alerted him that he wasn't alone.

Brody whipped around and for a moment could only gawk. It looked like three cosplayers had gotten lost on their way to a convention. The man (Creature?) closest to him wore a brown tunic overlaid with blue and red armor. Neon yellow eyes sat close together on his elongated face. A blue strip ran from his chin to his forehead accenting the unnatural color. Two horns projected off his head in front of a shock of white hair.

Next to him was a more feminine figure in a large yellow kimono lined with white fur. Shoulder pads shaped like tigers attached to the dress and two long paws jutted out from them to frame her head. Her white face also resembled that of a cat's, complete with ears pointing off the top of her head. Behind them green hair was tied in a high bun.

Most terrifying, however, was the monster that came last. He stood a good head taller than the other two and twice as wide. Covered in gold armor interlaid with navy leather, he walked with a commanding presence. His face reminded Brody of a bull's, and two large antler-like projections coming off his head adding to his already fearsome height. In his hand he held a short staff with a long blade attached. Thanks to Dane's instruction in martial arts history Brody recognized it as a naginata, a weapon used by the samurai of old.

Brody took this all in within the span of several seconds. It took him a few more to realize they were coming straight at him. Brody turned to run but a huge hand grabbed his arm before he could take off.

"Let me go! Let me go!" Brody shouted as he pulled against the creature's grip. Harsh laughter met his demand and the grip on his arm tightened.

"Where is the Ninja Nexus Prism and Star? Our scanners placed it here."

Brody kicked, trying to get him to loosen his grip. Striking at the golden creature's armored legs only served to annoy the brute and bruise Brody's toes.

"No more games, where is the Nexus Star?" He shook Brody.

"I don't know any Nexus anything. Let me go!"

Brody struggled harder. The giant simply pulled Brody flush against himself, restricting Brody's movements. As the roar of adrenaline quickly became replaced with the freezing effects of fear, Brody realized he couldn't hear Dane's hammer.

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