Chapter 1

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When I had first met this kind old man, I had felt so calm, so serene and peaceful. Everything was quiet and still, nothing seemed to be out of place or worrisome; it was amazing.
It felt as if nothing could have interrupted my sense of self and peace.
At the time I wasn't sure if it was him or the watery place, but I now knew that it must be him; because as I sat there in front of him, sipping on a warm cup of tea, I felt so serene. Just like before. Something told me that he meant no harm. Maybe it was the feeling of peace and serenity that I had around the stranger, or maybe it was the shine of wisdom in his eyes and the fact that I had literally seen him in such a lifelike dream not even an hour before, and heard him tell me that I would be seeing him when I woke. I was sure he was magic or something; the last thing I had remembered was getting home from a class lecture and being in the middle making a typical college student dinner of stovetop ramen... and then suddenly I was in some serene boat ride dream land being pushed back into reality through a lake, and waking up sopping wet somewhere where I was sure I hadn't fallen asleep. 

Even with all of this strange stuff that was happening to me today, I trusted the wise old man. This kind old sensei just had a calming aura about him, from what I had seen so far, which made me more inclined to listen to what he had to say- even if this whole situation very well should have had me scared out of my wits end. I know, logically, that it should have; but something about being here just felt right... Or, alternatively, my curiosity of what secrets the wise old man held compelled me to stay. His overall aura just emitted a peaceful, wise, grandfather-ly feel. It was comforting, even if I was in a strange place without my consent, and was still begrudgingly wet.

"Young (y/n), I wish not to rush things, but we have much to discuss, so I wish to jump right in unless you find that concerning. I feel that you, like your mother, will want more explanation than most. We still have much to do today alone if things go smoothly." Sensei Wu said calmly and took a sip of his tea, gazing down into the cup as he awaited my response. Right off the bat, the white bearded man had caught my attention. 

"You knew my mother?" I chimed in interest, eyes lighting up and posture straightening as my full attention went to the elder man. At the mention of my mother, I didn't want to pussyfoot around the topic and have idle, pointless chitchat with him; I wanted to get right to the point. The man smiled a bit more at that, glad he had so easily caught my attention.

"Ah, yes. She was such a wonderful woman, (y/n). It was an honor to have had her as a student. I see much of her in you already. (M/N) was a one of a kind, truly. So very smart and cunning. She had so many ambitions for her life, and an aptitude for coming up with the best of ideas quick on her feet. She was ruthless towards enemies, yet so kind to those close to her. She was not someone you wanted to get on the bad side of." Came the chuckled out speech as the old sensei thought fondly back on my mother, earning only a silent smile from myself. 

"I'm honored that you speak so highly of my mother. Even more so that you would compare me to her. I haven't heard much about her," I hummed out politely, a gleam in my eyes at the mention of my mother. Dad never spoke of her much, as it was a sensitive topic at times. Only said that I was a lot like her, myself. And that was an honor to be like her, if this man spoke so highly of her; the sensei of the famous ninja, the teacher to the saviors of ninjago, praised my mother and said that I was much like her. That was an honor, really.

"And how much do you know about her past?" he asked with a small smile.
I thought for a moment, then shrugged. I didn't remember much about her at all, better yet know anything about her past. Hell, this man was telling me more about my mother than I had ever heard of her before.
"Not much I guess... Well, nothing, actually." I answered truthfully, now starting to wander where this was going. Why were we talking about mom? Sensitive subject, dude. Though, it was nice to hear about her. I had mixed feelings about this. It was amazing to finally hear about my mother's personality and such, but it also really hurt to think about. But I wanted to know more.

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