Chapter Sixty-Nine

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I was already a generally indecisive person but when I was pregnant, it was a million times worse. It took me 45 minutes before I decided which flavor smoothie I wanted. We walked through the park after leaving Jamba Juice and JJ rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb softly.

"I was thinking we could go out to lunch and go to that baby store that you really like downtown. Maybe we could buy some stuff for the nursery or maybe even some gender neutral clothes." JJ thinks out loud quietly when we find a bench to sit on. I rub my stomach softly and nod my head with a slight smile. I watch the family that was in the park playing soccer and sighed a bit. I was really hoping that Jase and JJ would play sports together once Jase was old enough. I knew it would be a good bonding experience for the two of them but I was also terrified that my baby boy was going to get hurt somehow.

"I'd like that a lot JJ." I rest my head on his shoulder and watch the clouds rolls by. "If we have a little boy then Jase is going to have an amazing best friend for the rest of his life. Someone to play sports with and bond with. If we have a little girl, he's going to have a best friend that he pretends to hate but he's still going to look out for her and just love her so much. I'm going to be so happy either way but it's just a lot to think about."

"They're going to be his best friend, either way, Ives. It is really exciting though." He smiles a bit and kisses my temple softly. He stood up and I followed behind him as we started walking back to the house. We had worn some sweats and long sleeved shirts so that we could be comfortable on our walk but we wanted to go home and change and pick up the car. "I really would love to have a little girl though. I can already see you dressing her up in those cute cheerleading onesies and stuff like that. She's going to be lucky to have a great mother who is going to love her through everything." JJ tells me and I couldn't help but smile. He was so good to me and I loved him with everything I had.

Ellie's POV

After I put Jase down for his nap, I went downstairs and started on the laundry for Ivy. My phone buzzed in my back pocket and I went into the living room as I pulled it out to check it. I smile as I look at the picture that Henry sent me. He was being a dork on sent and he sent me a picture. He tried to keep me updated while he was at work to help me feel a little better. I start folding the laundry and hummed to myself softly.

"Hey Ells, we're going to go downtown for lunch and go to the Baby Barn down there. You can call if you need anything. We'll come home if you do." Ivy smiles at me and I nod my head with a slight smile. Her and JJ went upstairs really quick to change and I sigh a little and text Henry back to invite him over for lunch. Sometimes he came home from lunch and sometimes he didn't. I wasn't sure what today would be like for him. I heard the dryer beep and went over to swap the loads. When I came back into the living room, I smile a little. Henry was sitting on the couch with Jase. Jase was shaking his rattle and bouncing a little on Henry's lap.

"You got here fast," I tell him softly as I put the laundry basket down on the coffee table. Henry smiles a little at me and I sit down next to him.

"I was already in the neighborhood. We got released early today." He tells me as he puts Jase down on the floor. Jase shakes his rattle some more and laughs a little when it goes flying out of his hand and goes crawling after it. "I missed you today." He kisses my temple and I rest my head on his shoulder.

"I missed you today too," I tell him softly and pick up Jase before he could crawl around the side of the couch. Jase squeals and tries to grab my hair. I hold him out and Henry takes him from me. Henry kisses his head softly and Jase smacks him in the head with his rattle. "No Jase, that's not nice." I take his rattle at me and he starts scream crying.

"What happened? Is everything okay?" Ivy came downstairs as quickly as she could with her being pregnant.

"He hit Henry with the rattle so I took it away," I tell her softly and she sighs a bit and nods her head.

"I'm sorry Henry. He's been a little fussy lately. I think he's going through a little phase so maybe that has to do with it." Ivy sighs a little and takes Jase and tries to calm him down. He didn't want to stop crying though. Even when I gave him the rattle back, he just threw it on the floor and cried harder.

"Maybe we should stay," JJ said when he came down the stairs. Jase sees his dad and reaches for him but doesn't stop crying.

"He's going to cry whether you guys stay or go out. Maybe you guys should go. He'll stop crying eventually." I tell them softly. I didn't want JJ to think that I couldn't handle Jase when they weren't there. I had babysat a lot when they would go out of town. I didn't want Jase to be upset but he shouldn't have hit Henry the way he had. He was still a baby but I knew Ivy wanted him to learn now.

"Ellie's right babe. We should just go. Clearly having us here isn't making him any less fussy." Ivy tells him and he sighs a little.

"Yeah." He whispers and hands Jase to me. "We'll be back in a couple of hours." He tells me and I nod my head. JJ smiles slightly at me and holds Ivy's hand and the two of them walk out to the garage together. Jase slowly stopped screaming until he just had silent tears going down his cheeks. He puffed out his bottom lip and reached for Henry who was still sitting on the couch.

"I'm going to go get him a bottle of juice. Maybe that'll help him feel a little better." I tell him and go into the kitchen. I poured some apple juice into one of the little bottles and take it back over to him. Jase takes it with a deep breath and stopped crying. He leaned back into Henry's arms and I could see his body relax.

"Are you okay Elizabeth?" Henry asks me and I half smile, nodding my head. "No, you're not. Talk to me." He grabs my hand and gently pulls me down to sit next to him. "What's wrong?" He tucks some hair behind my ear gently.

"I just don't feel like I'm always doing my best. Like I try but sometimes it's not good enough." I tell him and try not to get teary-eyed. "Like it just makes me worried that eventually, I'm not going to be good enough to have you in my life or that I'm not going to be good enough to be the mother of your kids," I tell him and he wipes an escaped tear from my cheek with his thumb. I rest my cheek in the palm of his hand, closing my eyes and he leans forward and plants a sweet kiss on my forehead.

"No one is perfect Elizabeth. All you have to do is try your best. If you were ready for a baby now I would love for you to be the mother of my children. I know you're not ready now and that's why I never ask. You're good enough for me. Do you know that sometimes I worry I'm not good enough for you?" My eyes snapped open at his words and my eyebrows pulled together.

"Shut up, you do not," I tell him, knowing my tone was not at all threatening. He chuckles a little and puts Jase on the floor to play.

"Yes, I do. I thought it the moment I met you. You were gorgeous and you handled yourself so well, even when you were babysitting Jase. When you felt bad about yourself about when I was on set I felt absolutely horrible about myself. I should have checked on you before I left and all I did was worry about you when you were sleeping. A lot of times I even question how long you're going to want me in your life because of how much older I am than you and I know there's a chance you'll get sick of me eventually." He continues to stroke my cheek with his thumb and I scoot closer to him on the couch.

"I'm never going to get sick of you Henry William Dalgliesh Cavill." I smile a little when he makes a face at his full name. "You're stuck with me forever."

"Then you'll be stuck with me forever Elizabeth Athena Meadows. And I promise you that one day when the time is right, you will become my wife and the mother of my children." He tells me and I tried not to start crying in front of him again. He pulls me into his lap and I hug him tightly. I wanted to be in his life for as long as I was on this earth.

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